NHRA - National Hot Rod Association

Cedar Falls Motorsports Park hosts get-to-know Jr. Drag Racing class for families

Cedar Falls Motorsports Park recently hosted its 2021 NHRA Jr. Drag Racing League Challenge event and threw in a little bonus: A free seminar to attract other families to enter the sport.
19 Jun 2021
Posted by NHRA.com staff
NHRA Jr. Drag Racing League

Cedar Falls Motorsports Park recently hosted its 2021 NHRA Jr. Drag Racing League Challenge event and threw in a little bonus: A free seminar to attract other families to enter the sport.

The class was free to the kids and parents, who spent about an hour learning the fundamentals of drag racing, such as basic operation of the cars, staging, and launching.  After class time, they went down to the track, where the kids sat in some Terrance Prochaska Racing Inc. Jr. Dragsters and got familiar with the machines, and coached on how to stake and run a Jr. Dragster. After all the instruction took place, it was time to put some fire in the motors and let the kids make a pass with the knowledge they had learned.

There were 13 kids in attendance, and all had a great time, so much in fact that after the class, two of the families were set out to go purchase cars within the next couple of weeks.

Cedar Falls Motorsports Park, with the commitment and partnership with TPR Inc., will keep this program going and have talked about making it a multi-step course where in the next class, dial-ins will be discussed and help these kids achieve their NHRA Jr. Drag Racing League licenses.