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ND has girl power, too
For a lot of drag racing fans -- like me -- working at National DRAGSTER would be a dream job, so it’s quite understandable that when we had a rare opening for a staff writer earlier this season, my mailbox was flooded.
We only advertised here on…
We've got him covered
Congratulations to Greg Anderson for chalking up his 50th win, and welcome to this week’s cover of National DRAGSTER (not yet available for viewing; here's a happy Greg and Kim in the winner's circle instead). I like it when…
Sizing up Sonoma, ballpark Rampy, and Minnesota musings
It’s almost time to breathe a little sigh of relief with the ending this weekend of the six-race marathon. Although we’re not suffering the same wear and tear as the Pros traveling around the country and working their tails off, it’s still been a…
We've got it covered
Well, issue number 29 of the 2007 National DRAGSTER publishing season is halfway complete, covering the Pro results from Seattle and Sportsman coverage from Denver. One hundred thirty-two pages from cover to cover, and,…
Welcome to the National DRAGSTER blog, er, I mean column
What, another blog? No, not exactly. Even though all of the cool kids are doing it and it’s the trend that’s sweeping the nation, I’m going to resist calling this new column a blog. Even though Tommy Johnson Jr. is being…
Dragster Insider column archive
The Dragster Insider column was launched in July 2007 and, to date, has more than 900 columns dedicated to the people and history of NHRA Drag Racing. To search the archive, simply press the Ctrl and F buttons on your keyboard (Apple symbol + F…