Latest issue of NHRA National Dragster now online (Vol. 60 No. 6)

NHRA National Dragster magazine's sixth issue of 2019, featuring coverage of the 50th Amalie Motor Oil NHRA Gatornationals, is online for NHRA members and in the mail to homes and shops around the world.
In addition to complete coverage of the golden Gators, including the SAMTech,edu Factory Stock Showdown and Unfinished Business competitions, the issue also takes a statistical look at the high-flying 2019 season of Robert Hight and crew chief Jimmy Prock and continues our How To Race series with everything you need to know about preparation, tire choices, and burnouts.
The issue also contains features on the great Shirley Muldowney-Don Garlits rivalry, Sportsman racers Stan and Sheila Holt, Lucas Oil Series coverage, and much more.
NHRA Members can log in now, then select View National Dragster under the Member drop-down menu, to read the latest issue. If this is your first time logging in to the new members section, follow the link for first-time users to register and create your password.
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