NHRA Nevada Nationals
- Oct 27-30, 2022
- The Strip at Las Vegas Motor Speedway (Fall)
- 7000 N Las Vegas Blvd Las Vegas, NV 89115
Detailed Results
Lane | Driver | Car No. | Class | Dial In | RT | 60 FT | 330 FT | 660 FT | 660 MPH | 1000 FT | ET | MPH | Ov/Un | MOV | First |
Left | Kim Parker WIN | 628 | TAD | -- | .089 | .943 | 2.417 | 3.531 | 224.85 | 4.478 | 5.296 | 272.78 | -- | .0416 | -- |
Right | Casey Grisel | 724 | TAD | -- | .038 | .961 | 2.470 | 3.601 | 221.85 | 4.557 | 5.388 | 264.08 | -- | -- | -- |
Parker is 2 - 1 against Grisel in prior events. Grisel with the starting line advantage, but Parker has difference made up by the time they go by the Christmas tree. She takes the win...Kim Parker's MOV: 0.0416 seconds (approximately 16 feet). | |||||||||||||||
Lane | Driver | Car No. | Class | Dial In | RT | 60 FT | 330 FT | 660 FT | 660 MPH | 1000 FT | ET | MPH | Ov/Un | MOV | First |
Left | Joey Severance | 613 | TAD | -- | .083 | .910 | 2.356 | 3.482 | 219.72 | 4.449 | 5.269 | 274.27 | -- | -- | -- |
Right | Taylor Vetter WIN | 710V | TAD | -- | .064 | .934 | 2.394 | 3.514 | 221.67 | 4.469 | 5.280 | 277.20 | -- | .0089 | -- |
Weather conditions: air temperature 74 degrees, relative humidity 7 percent, barometer 30.06 inches, adjusted altitude 3,261 feet. Vetter with the starting line advantage and the power to hold on for the hole shot win. Taylor Vetter's MOV: 0.0089 seconds (approximately 4 feet). | |||||||||||||||
Lane | Driver | Car No. | Class | Dial In | RT | 60 FT | 330 FT | 660 FT | 660 MPH | 1000 FT | ET | MPH | Ov/Un | MOV | First |
Left | Jasmine Salinas | 6 | TAD | -- | .182 | .969 | 2.472 | 3.587 | 225.67 | 4.526 | 5.335 | 273.83 | -- | -- | -- |
Right | Madison Payne WIN | 737M | TAD | -- | .106 | .955 | 2.467 | 3.596 | 221.92 | 4.549 | 5.367 | 273.77 | -- | .0442 | -- |
Salinas is 1 - 0 against Payne in prior events. Payne with the starting line advantage and the power to hold on for the hole shot win. Madison Payne's MOV: 0.0442 seconds (approximately 18 feet). | |||||||||||||||
Lane | Driver | Car No. | Class | Dial In | RT | 60 FT | 330 FT | 660 FT | 660 MPH | 1000 FT | ET | MPH | Ov/Un | MOV | First |
Left | Hunter Green WIN | 4494 | TAD | -- | .065 | .967 | 2.445 | 3.547 | 228.19 | 4.484 | 5.305 | 269.19 | -- | .1101 | -- |
Right | Michael Burns | 75 | TAD | -- | .104 | .962 | 2.457 | 3.577 | 223.43 | 4.536 | 5.376 | 264.75 | -- | -- | -- |
This is the first time Green and Burns have faced each other in eliminations. Green with the starting line advantage and never trailed for the win. He will have lane choice over Payne in the next round. | |||||||||||||||
Lane | Driver | Car No. | Class | Dial In | RT | 60 FT | 330 FT | 660 FT | 660 MPH | 1000 FT | ET | MPH | Ov/Un | MOV | First |
Left | Johnny Ahten | 734 | TAD | -- | .057 | .931 | 2.450 | 3.576 | 224.77 | 4.513 | 5.324 | 272.61 | -- | -- | -- |
Right | Jackie Fricke WIN | 2 | TAD | -- | .056 | .956 | 2.453 | 3.559 | 226.32 | 4.497 | 5.307 | 275.11 | -- | .0187 | -- |
Fricke is 1 - 0 against Ahten in prior events. The Fricke team is dressed as the Ghost Buster team...she has a tick advantage on the tree and the win. Jackie Fricke's MOV: 0.0187 seconds (approximately 7 feet). She will give up lane choice to Parker in the next round by 0.011 seconds. | |||||||||||||||
Lane | Driver | Car No. | Class | Dial In | RT | 60 FT | 330 FT | 660 FT | 660 MPH | 1000 FT | ET | MPH | Ov/Un | MOV | First |
Left | Garrett Bateman | 611 | TAD | -- | .060 | .942 | 2.462 | 3.597 | 222.29 | 4.550 | 5.368 | 272.94 | -- | -- | -- |
Right | Chris Demke WIN | 77 | TAD | -- | .042 | .934 | 2.386 | 3.526 | 216.90 | 4.502 | 5.327 | 272.61 | -- | .0597 | -- |
Demke is 5 - 1 against Bateman in prior events. Demke with the starting line advantage and the win. | |||||||||||||||
Lane | Driver | Car No. | Class | Dial In | RT | 60 FT | 330 FT | 660 FT | 660 MPH | 1000 FT | ET | MPH | Ov/Un | MOV | First |
Left | Julie Nataas | 4 | TAD | -- | .063 | .944 | 2.461 | 3.586 | 223.21 | 4.550 | 5.401 | 260.97 | -- | -- | -- |
Right | Shawn Cowie WIN | 3 | TAD | -- | .071 | .922 | 2.344 | 3.460 | 221.67 | 4.415 | 5.228 | 276.46 | -- | .1655 | -- |
Cowie is 4 - 0 against Nataas in prior events. Nataas with the starting line advantage, but Cowie has the lead by the time they go past the Christmas tree and never trails from there on for the win. Cowie launched hard and kept it hooked up and runs the quickest pass of round one. He will have lane choice over Demke in the next round. | |||||||||||||||
Lane | Driver | Car No. | Class | Dial In | RT | 60 FT | 330 FT | 660 FT | 660 MPH | 1000 FT | ET | MPH | Ov/Un | MOV | First |
Left | James Stevens | 52 | TAD | -- | .042 | .925 | 2.377 | 3.523 | 214.76 | 4.510 | 5.342 | 270.27 | -- | -- | -- |
Right | Tony Stewart WIN | 314 | TAD | -- | .062 | .950 | 2.434 | 3.536 | 226.85 | 4.474 | 5.293 | 271.95 | -- | .0290 | -- |
Stevens with the starting line advantage, but Stewart chases him down around 800 feet and takes the win. Tony Stewart's MOV: 0.0290 seconds (approximately 11 feet). Stewart with a great pass, the second quickest pass of the round. |
Lane | left | right |
Driver | Kim Parker W | Casey Grisel |
Car # | 628 | 724 |
Class | TAD | TAD |
Dial In | -- | -- |
RT | .089 | .038 |
60 FT | .943 | .961 |
330 FT | 2.417 | 2.470 |
660 FT | 3.531 | 3.601 |
660 MPH | 224.85 | 221.85 |
1000 FT | 4.478 | 4.557 |
ET | 5.296 | 5.388 |
MPH | 272.78 | 264.08 |
Ov/Un | -- | -- |
MOV | .0416 | -- |
First | -- | -- |
Parker is 2 - 1 against Grisel in prior events. Grisel with the starting line advantage, but Parker has difference made up by the time they go by the Christmas tree. She takes the win...Kim Parker's MOV: 0.0416 seconds (approximately 16 feet). | ||
Lane | left | right |
Driver | Joey Severance | Taylor Vetter W |
Car # | 613 | 710V |
Class | TAD | TAD |
Dial In | -- | -- |
RT | .083 | .064 |
60 FT | .910 | .934 |
330 FT | 2.356 | 2.394 |
660 FT | 3.482 | 3.514 |
660 MPH | 219.72 | 221.67 |
1000 FT | 4.449 | 4.469 |
ET | 5.269 | 5.280 |
MPH | 274.27 | 277.20 |
Ov/Un | -- | -- |
MOV | -- | .0089 |
First | -- | -- |
Weather conditions: air temperature 74 degrees, relative humidity 7 percent, barometer 30.06 inches, adjusted altitude 3,261 feet. Vetter with the starting line advantage and the power to hold on for the hole shot win. Taylor Vetter's MOV: 0.0089 seconds (approximately 4 feet). | ||
Lane | left | right |
Driver | Jasmine Salinas | Madison Payne W |
Car # | 6 | 737M |
Class | TAD | TAD |
Dial In | -- | -- |
RT | .182 | .106 |
60 FT | .969 | .955 |
330 FT | 2.472 | 2.467 |
660 FT | 3.587 | 3.596 |
660 MPH | 225.67 | 221.92 |
1000 FT | 4.526 | 4.549 |
ET | 5.335 | 5.367 |
MPH | 273.83 | 273.77 |
Ov/Un | -- | -- |
MOV | -- | .0442 |
First | -- | -- |
Salinas is 1 - 0 against Payne in prior events. Payne with the starting line advantage and the power to hold on for the hole shot win. Madison Payne's MOV: 0.0442 seconds (approximately 18 feet). | ||
Lane | left | right |
Driver | Hunter Green W | Michael Burns |
Car # | 4494 | 75 |
Class | TAD | TAD |
Dial In | -- | -- |
RT | .065 | .104 |
60 FT | .967 | .962 |
330 FT | 2.445 | 2.457 |
660 FT | 3.547 | 3.577 |
660 MPH | 228.19 | 223.43 |
1000 FT | 4.484 | 4.536 |
ET | 5.305 | 5.376 |
MPH | 269.19 | 264.75 |
Ov/Un | -- | -- |
MOV | .1101 | -- |
First | -- | -- |
This is the first time Green and Burns have faced each other in eliminations. Green with the starting line advantage and never trailed for the win. He will have lane choice over Payne in the next round. | ||
Lane | left | right |
Driver | Johnny Ahten | Jackie Fricke W |
Car # | 734 | 2 |
Class | TAD | TAD |
Dial In | -- | -- |
RT | .057 | .056 |
60 FT | .931 | .956 |
330 FT | 2.450 | 2.453 |
660 FT | 3.576 | 3.559 |
660 MPH | 224.77 | 226.32 |
1000 FT | 4.513 | 4.497 |
ET | 5.324 | 5.307 |
MPH | 272.61 | 275.11 |
Ov/Un | -- | -- |
MOV | -- | .0187 |
First | -- | -- |
Fricke is 1 - 0 against Ahten in prior events. The Fricke team is dressed as the Ghost Buster team...she has a tick advantage on the tree and the win. Jackie Fricke's MOV: 0.0187 seconds (approximately 7 feet). She will give up lane choice to Parker in the next round by 0.011 seconds. | ||
Lane | left | right |
Driver | Garrett Bateman | Chris Demke W |
Car # | 611 | 77 |
Class | TAD | TAD |
Dial In | -- | -- |
RT | .060 | .042 |
60 FT | .942 | .934 |
330 FT | 2.462 | 2.386 |
660 FT | 3.597 | 3.526 |
660 MPH | 222.29 | 216.90 |
1000 FT | 4.550 | 4.502 |
ET | 5.368 | 5.327 |
MPH | 272.94 | 272.61 |
Ov/Un | -- | -- |
MOV | -- | .0597 |
First | -- | -- |
Demke is 5 - 1 against Bateman in prior events. Demke with the starting line advantage and the win. | ||
Lane | left | right |
Driver | Julie Nataas | Shawn Cowie W |
Car # | 4 | 3 |
Class | TAD | TAD |
Dial In | -- | -- |
RT | .063 | .071 |
60 FT | .944 | .922 |
330 FT | 2.461 | 2.344 |
660 FT | 3.586 | 3.460 |
660 MPH | 223.21 | 221.67 |
1000 FT | 4.550 | 4.415 |
ET | 5.401 | 5.228 |
MPH | 260.97 | 276.46 |
Ov/Un | -- | -- |
MOV | -- | .1655 |
First | -- | -- |
Cowie is 4 - 0 against Nataas in prior events. Nataas with the starting line advantage, but Cowie has the lead by the time they go past the Christmas tree and never trails from there on for the win. Cowie launched hard and kept it hooked up and runs the quickest pass of round one. He will have lane choice over Demke in the next round. | ||
Lane | left | right |
Driver | James Stevens | Tony Stewart W |
Car # | 52 | 314 |
Class | TAD | TAD |
Dial In | -- | -- |
RT | .042 | .062 |
60 FT | .925 | .950 |
330 FT | 2.377 | 2.434 |
660 FT | 3.523 | 3.536 |
660 MPH | 214.76 | 226.85 |
1000 FT | 4.510 | 4.474 |
ET | 5.342 | 5.293 |
MPH | 270.27 | 271.95 |
Ov/Un | -- | -- |
MOV | -- | .0290 |
First | -- | -- |
Stevens with the starting line advantage, but Stewart chases him down around 800 feet and takes the win. Tony Stewart's MOV: 0.0290 seconds (approximately 11 feet). Stewart with a great pass, the second quickest pass of the round. |