NHRA Springnationals
- Apr 21-23, 2017
- Houston Raceway Park
- 2525 South FM 565 Baytown, TX 77523
Detailed Results
Lane | Driver | Car No. | Q. Pos. | RT | 60 FT | 330 FT | 660 FT | 660 MPH | ET | MPH | MOV | First |
Left | Ron Capps WIN | 1 | 2 | .104 | .856 | 2.243 | 3.157 | 284.62 | 3.897 | 327.90 | 7.3924 | -- |
Right | Todd Simpson | 499 | 15 | .046 | 1.411 | 5.230 | 8.397 | 75.36 | 11.347 | 81.01 | -- | -- |
11:29 a.m. Weather conditions: air temperature 70 degrees, relative humidity 47 percent, barometer 30.03 inches, adjusted altitude 1,126 feet, track temperature 102 degrees. Ron Capps has won three times in Houston. This is the first time Capps and Simpson have faced each other in eliminations. Simpson was up in smoke at the hit. Capps was a little to the right of the groove at the finish. Ron Capps' incremental times: 60ft-0.856 sec., 330ft-2.243, 660ft-3.157/284.62 mph. | ||||||||||||
Lane | Driver | Car No. | Q. Pos. | RT | 60 FT | 330 FT | 660 FT | 660 MPH | ET | MPH | MOV | First |
Left | Courtney Force WIN | 6 | 1 | .092 | .882 | 2.341 | 3.713 | 155.96 | 5.344 | 132.02 | 5.5318 | -- |
Right | Jeff Diehl | 717 | 16 | .148 | 1.123 | 4.468 | 7.777 | 73.05 | 10.819 | 77.81 | -- | -- |
Courtney Force is the defending event champion. Force and Diehl have each won 1 time against the other in prior events. Diehl smoked the tires on the launch. Force's engine went silent at about 400 feet, but she was still quick enough to get the win. | ||||||||||||
Lane | Driver | Car No. | Q. Pos. | RT | 60 FT | 330 FT | 660 FT | 660 MPH | ET | MPH | MOV | First |
Left | John Force WIN | 4 | 3 | .090 | .874 | 2.246 | 3.209 | 243.85 | 4.216 | 220.08 | .2823 | -- |
Right | Del Worsham | 750 | 14 | .103 | .926 | 2.377 | 3.398 | 227.23 | 4.485 | 205.51 | -- | -- |
Del Worsham is one of two drivers to have won here in both Top Fuel and Funny Car - the other was Mike Dunn. John Force has six wins here with his last coming in 2002. Force is 54 - 29 against Worsham in prior events. Both drivers had problems and they were both coasting just before the 660-foot mark. | ||||||||||||
Lane | Driver | Car No. | Q. Pos. | RT | 60 FT | 330 FT | 660 FT | 660 MPH | ET | MPH | MOV | First |
Left | Robert Hight WIN | 8 | 4 | .075 | .869 | 2.232 | 3.138 | 284.51 | 3.870 | 331.77 | .7183 | -- |
Right | Jim Campbell | 703 | 13 | .120 | .921 | 2.369 | 3.410 | 220.58 | 4.543 | 195.51 | -- | -- |
Robert Hight won here in 2005 and 2014. This is the first time Hight and Campbell have faced each other in eliminations. Campbell dropped a cylinder or two at about 300 feet. Hight was close to the centerline at the finish. His speed was a track record. Robert Hight's incremental times: 60ft-0.869 sec., 330ft-2.232, 660ft-3.138/284.51 mph. | ||||||||||||
Lane | Driver | Car No. | Q. Pos. | RT | 60 FT | 330 FT | 660 FT | 660 MPH | ET | MPH | MOV | First |
Left | Cruz Pedregon | 71 | 5 | .115 | .889 | 2.261 | 3.185 | 280.37 | 3.935 | 322.04 | -- | -- |
Right | J.R. Todd WIN | 373 | 12 | .078 | .891 | 2.271 | 3.204 | 277.15 | 3.959 | 323.58 | .0133 | -- |
Cruz Pedregon was the Houston winner in 1992 and 2013. This is the first time Pedregon and Todd have faced each other in eliminations. This was a good looking drag race! Todd got the win by about 6 feet. He will give lane choice to Hight in round two. Cruz Pedregon's incremental times: 60ft-0.889 sec., 330ft-2.261, 660ft-3.185/280.37 mph. J.R. Todd's incremental times: 60ft-0.891 sec., 330ft-2.271, 660ft-3.204/277.15 mph. | ||||||||||||
Lane | Driver | Car No. | Q. Pos. | RT | 60 FT | 330 FT | 660 FT | 660 MPH | ET | MPH | MOV | First |
Left | Jack Beckman WIN | 5 | 6 | .083 | .874 | 2.261 | 3.229 | 248.89 | 4.224 | 222.62 | .9244 | -- |
Right | Matt Hagan | 3 | 11 | .089 | .883 | 2.419 | 3.753 | 178.00 | 5.142 | 162.12 | -- | -- |
Jack Beckman has been runner-up here three times including twice in the last three years. Matt Hagan won here in 2010. Hagan is 18 - 17 against Beckman in prior events. Hagan lost traction at about 300 feet. Beckman had to pedal it a couple times, starting just before the 660-foot mark. He'll give lane choice to John Force in round two. | ||||||||||||
Lane | Driver | Car No. | Q. Pos. | RT | 60 FT | 330 FT | 660 FT | 660 MPH | ET | MPH | MOV | First |
Left | Tommy Johnson Jr | 2 | 7 | .059 | .903 | 2.294 | 3.391 | 213.16 | 4.556 | 190.16 | -- | -- |
Right | Jonnie Lindberg WIN | 801 | 10 | .069 | .900 | 2.265 | 3.195 | 278.92 | 3.944 | 326.16 | .6025 | -- |
Tommy Johnson's 4 round wins in Las Vegas moved his overall record to 345 - 342. Johnson Jr. is 1 - 0 against Lindberg in prior events. Johnson was mixing up the cylinders at half track and he had to lift. Lindberg makes a decent run and he will give lane choice to Capps in round two. Jonnie Lindberg's incremental times: 60ft-0.900 sec., 330ft-2.265, 660ft-3.195/278.92 mph. | ||||||||||||
Lane | Driver | Car No. | Q. Pos. | RT | 60 FT | 330 FT | 660 FT | 660 MPH | ET | MPH | MOV | First |
Left | Tim Wilkerson | 9 | 8 | .108 | 1.045 | 3.731 | 6.031 | 107.49 | 8.109 | 112.19 | -- | -- |
Right | Alexis DeJoria WIN | 771 | 9 | .141 | .882 | 2.249 | 3.180 | 279.44 | 3.927 | 327.03 | 4.1495 | -- |
Tim Wilkerson's win in Houston came back in 2004. He has been runner-up here twice including last year. Tim and Alexis DeJoria ran identical times and speeds for their qualifying positions but Tim gets the higher spot because he turned his first. Wilkerson and DeJoria have each won 3 times against the other in prior events. Wilkerson lost traction just past the tree and he could only watch DeJoria speed away from him. DeJoria will have lane choice over Courtney Force in round two. Alexis DeJoria's incremental times: 60ft-0.882 sec., 330ft-2.249, 660ft-3.180/279.44 mph. |
Lane | left | right |
Driver | Ron Capps W | Todd Simpson |
Car # | 1 | 499 |
Q. Pos. | 2 | 15 |
RT | .104 | .046 |
60 FT | .856 | 1.411 |
330 FT | 2.243 | 5.230 |
660 FT | 3.157 | 8.397 |
660 MPH | 284.62 | 75.36 |
ET | 3.897 | 11.347 |
MPH | 327.90 | 81.01 |
MOV | 7.3924 | -- |
First | -- | -- |
11:29 a.m. Weather conditions: air temperature 70 degrees, relative humidity 47 percent, barometer 30.03 inches, adjusted altitude 1,126 feet, track temperature 102 degrees. Ron Capps has won three times in Houston. This is the first time Capps and Simpson have faced each other in eliminations. Simpson was up in smoke at the hit. Capps was a little to the right of the groove at the finish. Ron Capps' incremental times: 60ft-0.856 sec., 330ft-2.243, 660ft-3.157/284.62 mph. | ||
Lane | left | right |
Driver | Courtney Force W | Jeff Diehl |
Car # | 6 | 717 |
Q. Pos. | 1 | 16 |
RT | .092 | .148 |
60 FT | .882 | 1.123 |
330 FT | 2.341 | 4.468 |
660 FT | 3.713 | 7.777 |
660 MPH | 155.96 | 73.05 |
ET | 5.344 | 10.819 |
MPH | 132.02 | 77.81 |
MOV | 5.5318 | -- |
First | -- | -- |
Courtney Force is the defending event champion. Force and Diehl have each won 1 time against the other in prior events. Diehl smoked the tires on the launch. Force's engine went silent at about 400 feet, but she was still quick enough to get the win. | ||
Lane | left | right |
Driver | John Force W | Del Worsham |
Car # | 4 | 750 |
Q. Pos. | 3 | 14 |
RT | .090 | .103 |
60 FT | .874 | .926 |
330 FT | 2.246 | 2.377 |
660 FT | 3.209 | 3.398 |
660 MPH | 243.85 | 227.23 |
ET | 4.216 | 4.485 |
MPH | 220.08 | 205.51 |
MOV | .2823 | -- |
First | -- | -- |
Del Worsham is one of two drivers to have won here in both Top Fuel and Funny Car - the other was Mike Dunn. John Force has six wins here with his last coming in 2002. Force is 54 - 29 against Worsham in prior events. Both drivers had problems and they were both coasting just before the 660-foot mark. | ||
Lane | left | right |
Driver | Robert Hight W | Jim Campbell |
Car # | 8 | 703 |
Q. Pos. | 4 | 13 |
RT | .075 | .120 |
60 FT | .869 | .921 |
330 FT | 2.232 | 2.369 |
660 FT | 3.138 | 3.410 |
660 MPH | 284.51 | 220.58 |
ET | 3.870 | 4.543 |
MPH | 331.77 | 195.51 |
MOV | .7183 | -- |
First | -- | -- |
Robert Hight won here in 2005 and 2014. This is the first time Hight and Campbell have faced each other in eliminations. Campbell dropped a cylinder or two at about 300 feet. Hight was close to the centerline at the finish. His speed was a track record. Robert Hight's incremental times: 60ft-0.869 sec., 330ft-2.232, 660ft-3.138/284.51 mph. | ||
Lane | left | right |
Driver | Cruz Pedregon | J.R. Todd W |
Car # | 71 | 373 |
Q. Pos. | 5 | 12 |
RT | .115 | .078 |
60 FT | .889 | .891 |
330 FT | 2.261 | 2.271 |
660 FT | 3.185 | 3.204 |
660 MPH | 280.37 | 277.15 |
ET | 3.935 | 3.959 |
MPH | 322.04 | 323.58 |
MOV | -- | .0133 |
First | -- | -- |
Cruz Pedregon was the Houston winner in 1992 and 2013. This is the first time Pedregon and Todd have faced each other in eliminations. This was a good looking drag race! Todd got the win by about 6 feet. He will give lane choice to Hight in round two. Cruz Pedregon's incremental times: 60ft-0.889 sec., 330ft-2.261, 660ft-3.185/280.37 mph. J.R. Todd's incremental times: 60ft-0.891 sec., 330ft-2.271, 660ft-3.204/277.15 mph. | ||
Lane | left | right |
Driver | Jack Beckman W | Matt Hagan |
Car # | 5 | 3 |
Q. Pos. | 6 | 11 |
RT | .083 | .089 |
60 FT | .874 | .883 |
330 FT | 2.261 | 2.419 |
660 FT | 3.229 | 3.753 |
660 MPH | 248.89 | 178.00 |
ET | 4.224 | 5.142 |
MPH | 222.62 | 162.12 |
MOV | .9244 | -- |
First | -- | -- |
Jack Beckman has been runner-up here three times including twice in the last three years. Matt Hagan won here in 2010. Hagan is 18 - 17 against Beckman in prior events. Hagan lost traction at about 300 feet. Beckman had to pedal it a couple times, starting just before the 660-foot mark. He'll give lane choice to John Force in round two. | ||
Lane | left | right |
Driver | Tommy Johnson Jr | Jonnie Lindberg W |
Car # | 2 | 801 |
Q. Pos. | 7 | 10 |
RT | .059 | .069 |
60 FT | .903 | .900 |
330 FT | 2.294 | 2.265 |
660 FT | 3.391 | 3.195 |
660 MPH | 213.16 | 278.92 |
ET | 4.556 | 3.944 |
MPH | 190.16 | 326.16 |
MOV | -- | .6025 |
First | -- | -- |
Tommy Johnson's 4 round wins in Las Vegas moved his overall record to 345 - 342. Johnson Jr. is 1 - 0 against Lindberg in prior events. Johnson was mixing up the cylinders at half track and he had to lift. Lindberg makes a decent run and he will give lane choice to Capps in round two. Jonnie Lindberg's incremental times: 60ft-0.900 sec., 330ft-2.265, 660ft-3.195/278.92 mph. | ||
Lane | left | right |
Driver | Tim Wilkerson | Alexis DeJoria W |
Car # | 9 | 771 |
Q. Pos. | 8 | 9 |
RT | .108 | .141 |
60 FT | 1.045 | .882 |
330 FT | 3.731 | 2.249 |
660 FT | 6.031 | 3.180 |
660 MPH | 107.49 | 279.44 |
ET | 8.109 | 3.927 |
MPH | 112.19 | 327.03 |
MOV | -- | 4.1495 |
First | -- | -- |
Tim Wilkerson's win in Houston came back in 2004. He has been runner-up here twice including last year. Tim and Alexis DeJoria ran identical times and speeds for their qualifying positions but Tim gets the higher spot because he turned his first. Wilkerson and DeJoria have each won 3 times against the other in prior events. Wilkerson lost traction just past the tree and he could only watch DeJoria speed away from him. DeJoria will have lane choice over Courtney Force in round two. Alexis DeJoria's incremental times: 60ft-0.882 sec., 330ft-2.249, 660ft-3.180/279.44 mph. |