NHRA - National Hot Rod Association

NHRA New England Nationals

NHRA New England Nationals

  • Jun 02-04, 2017
  • New England Dragway
  • 280 Exeter Rd Epping, NH 03042

Detailed Results

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Mike Smith 223 -- .175 .974 2.536 4.249 125.12 6.237 111.25 -- --
Right Bob Tasca III WIN 77 -- .079 .880 2.263 3.227 264.91 4.038 288.27 2.2952 --

Weather conditions: air temperature 76 degrees, relative humidity 28 percent, barometer 29.69 inches, adjusted altitude 1,805 feet, track temperature 105 degrees. This is Smith's season debut. His car lost a cylinder off the starting line and lost more as he made it down the track. He clicked the car off at mid track. Tasca had a better run going but his car blew the engine as he crossed the finish line.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Right Alexis Dejoria WIN 771 -- .070 .899 2.277 3.197 279.90 3.941 326.87 -- --

Jeff Diehl was scheduled to qualify with DeJoria but did not appear for this run. DeJoria is back in her for the first time since Houston, after taking some time off for personal reasons. She took her car straight down the groove but broke the blower belt at the end of the run.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Cruz Pedregon 71 -- .107 1.114 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Right Jim Campbell WIN 703 -- .107 .921 2.663 4.922 94.07 7.512 87.68 -- --

Campbell's car shook the rear tires hard when he launched, while Pedregon's car launched hard and shut down right away. Campbell got just a little bit further and was able to coast to the finish line. Pedregon's car shut down and came to a stop at mid track.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Del Worsham WIN 750 -- .095 .876 2.268 3.197 278.58 3.940 329.50 .0165 --
Right Tim Wilkerson 9 -- .121 .892 2.271 3.184 281.42 3.930 323.74 -- --

Worsham and Wilkerson both had clean runs down the groove to take the top two spots in the order for now.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left J.R. Todd WIN 373 -- .103 .888 2.256 3.172 279.04 3.920 325.85 .0122 --
Right Tommy Johnson Jr 2 -- .113 .892 2.267 3.180 281.77 3.922 325.77 -- --

Another pair of good, clean runs down the groove to take over the top two spots in the order, with six drivers left to make their first qualifying attempts.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Courtney Force WIN 6 -- .103 .866 2.204 3.106 282.72 3.842 331.53 .0127 --
Right Jack Beckman 5 -- .079 .874 2.242 3.144 283.19 3.878 330.23 -- --

Both drivers were taking their cars straight down the groove with Force on her way to setting a track ET record. As she crossed the finish line at 330 miles per hour, the engine in Force's car blew and took the body with it. Her car moved left and ran against the wall for a couple of hundred feet before the car came to a stop. Force jumped out of her car almost immediately after her car stopped.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Robert Hight WIN 8 -- .113 .869 2.218 3.121 284.03 3.849 336.74 2.7530 --
Right John Force 4 -- .095 .881 2.490 4.399 111.74 6.620 103.21 -- --

Force launched and shook the tires hard, so he just clicked it off. Hight took his car straight down the groove to set a new track speed record and the sixth fastest Funny Car speed overall.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Matt Hagan 3 -- .068 .871 2.233 3.428 181.84 4.789 162.78 -- --
Right Ron Capps WIN 1 -- .111 .856 2.192 3.207 219.72 4.323 198.70 .4238 --

Both drivers shut their cars down before they reached the eighth-mile marker. That's it for the first session of Funny Car qualifying, with Courtney Force in the top spot in the order for now.

Driver Mike Smith Bob Tasca III W
Car #22377
Q. Pos.----
60 FT.974.880
330 FT2.5362.263
660 FT4.2493.227
660 MPH125.12264.91
ET 6.237 4.038
MPH 111.25 288.27
MOV -- 2.2952
First -- --

Weather conditions: air temperature 76 degrees, relative humidity 28 percent, barometer 29.69 inches, adjusted altitude 1,805 feet, track temperature 105 degrees. This is Smith's season debut. His car lost a cylinder off the starting line and lost more as he made it down the track. He clicked the car off at mid track. Tasca had a better run going but his car blew the engine as he crossed the finish line.

Driver -- Alexis Dejoria W
Car #--771
Q. Pos.----
60 FT--.899
330 FT--2.277
660 FT--3.197
660 MPH--279.90
ET -- 3.941
MPH -- 326.87
MOV -- --
First -- --

Jeff Diehl was scheduled to qualify with DeJoria but did not appear for this run. DeJoria is back in her for the first time since Houston, after taking some time off for personal reasons. She took her car straight down the groove but broke the blower belt at the end of the run.

Driver Cruz Pedregon Jim Campbell W
Car #71703
Q. Pos.----
60 FT1.114.921
330 FT--2.663
660 FT--4.922
660 MPH--94.07
ET -- 7.512
MPH -- 87.68
MOV -- --
First -- --

Campbell's car shook the rear tires hard when he launched, while Pedregon's car launched hard and shut down right away. Campbell got just a little bit further and was able to coast to the finish line. Pedregon's car shut down and came to a stop at mid track.

Driver Del Worsham W Tim Wilkerson
Car #7509
Q. Pos.----
60 FT.876.892
330 FT2.2682.271
660 FT3.1973.184
660 MPH278.58281.42
ET 3.940 3.930
MPH 329.50 323.74
MOV .0165 --
First -- --

Worsham and Wilkerson both had clean runs down the groove to take the top two spots in the order for now.

Driver J.R. Todd W Tommy Johnson Jr
Car #3732
Q. Pos.----
60 FT.888.892
330 FT2.2562.267
660 FT3.1723.180
660 MPH279.04281.77
ET 3.920 3.922
MPH 325.85 325.77
MOV .0122 --
First -- --

Another pair of good, clean runs down the groove to take over the top two spots in the order, with six drivers left to make their first qualifying attempts.

Driver Courtney Force W Jack Beckman
Car #65
Q. Pos.----
60 FT.866.874
330 FT2.2042.242
660 FT3.1063.144
660 MPH282.72283.19
ET 3.842 3.878
MPH 331.53 330.23
MOV .0127 --
First -- --

Both drivers were taking their cars straight down the groove with Force on her way to setting a track ET record. As she crossed the finish line at 330 miles per hour, the engine in Force's car blew and took the body with it. Her car moved left and ran against the wall for a couple of hundred feet before the car came to a stop. Force jumped out of her car almost immediately after her car stopped.

Driver Robert Hight W John Force
Car #84
Q. Pos.----
60 FT.869.881
330 FT2.2182.490
660 FT3.1214.399
660 MPH284.03111.74
ET 3.849 6.620
MPH 336.74 103.21
MOV 2.7530 --
First -- --

Force launched and shook the tires hard, so he just clicked it off. Hight took his car straight down the groove to set a new track speed record and the sixth fastest Funny Car speed overall.

Driver Matt Hagan Ron Capps W
Car #31
Q. Pos.----
60 FT.871.856
330 FT2.2332.192
660 FT3.4283.207
660 MPH181.84219.72
ET 4.789 4.323
MPH 162.78 198.70
MOV -- .4238
First -- --

Both drivers shut their cars down before they reached the eighth-mile marker. That's it for the first session of Funny Car qualifying, with Courtney Force in the top spot in the order for now.