NHRA - National Hot Rod Association

NHRA Summernationals

NHRA Summernationals

  • Jun 08-11, 2017
  • Old Bridge Township Raceway Park
  • 230 Pension Rd  Englishtown, NJ 07726

Detailed Results

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Terry McMillen 21 7 .119 .870 2.210 3.142 272.23 3.926 307.02 -- --
Right Clay Millican WIN 25 8 .133 .847 2.141 3.039 278.86 3.806 314.31 .1066 --

Weather conditions: air temperature 88 degrees, relative humidity 45 percent, barometer 29.98 inches, adjusted altitude 2,578 feet, track temperature 114 degrees. Millican is 8 - 3 against McMillen in prior events. This is the 8th time that Clay Millican and Terry McMillen have faced each other in the opening round and Clay has won six of the previous seven meetings. McMillen with the slight starting line advantage, but Millican had the lead by time they went past the Christmas tree and never trailed from there on for the win. He was just off his qualifying time for the win. McMillen started dropping cylinder just past half track to bring an end to his weekend.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Brittany Force WIN 6 5 .103 .853 2.171 3.064 285.77 3.809 321.96 .0363 --
Right Troy Coughlin Jr 301 10 .096 .851 2.193 3.092 282.07 3.852 309.91 -- --

Force and Coughlin Jr. have each won 1 times against the other in prior events. Brittany Force went to the final round here in 2015. She starts today with an overall record of 98 - 97. Coughlin Jr. with the starting line advantage, but Force grabs the lead by 150 feet and never trails from there on for the win. She is straight down the groove for the win. Coughlin got real loose on the top end and the car was on three wheels before he got it settled down.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Steve Torrence WIN 3 2 .075 .851 2.193 3.087 284.75 3.832 322.04 1.1045 --
Right Smax Smith 354 13 .174 .985 2.499 3.608 206.42 4.837 177.46 -- --

Steve Torrence is the defending event champion. He also won here in 2012. In the long history of this race only four Top Fuel drivers have ever won it in consecutive years. Smax Smith starts from the #13 spot and the 13th qualifier in Top Fuel has won an opening round match at this track in three of the last four years. Torrence with the starting line advantage and never trailed for the win. He makes a good clean pass, but will give up lane choice to Millican in the next round.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Antron Brown WIN 1 1 .066 .853 2.152 3.038 286.38 3.783 323.12 .2123 --
Right Blake Alexander 256 14 .069 .878 2.230 3.179 263.98 3.992 289.32 -- --

This is Antron Brown's home track and he has won here in both the motorcycle and the Top Fuel class. His co-crew chief, Mark Oswald, also won here in two classes, Top Fuel and Funny Car and his car owner, Don Schumacher, won here in 1972. This is Blake Alexander's first start in Top Fuel and he is the 557th driver to qualify in the dragster class. Brown with a slight starting line advantage and never trailed for the win as he runs low E.T. of race day. He will have the bye in the next round. Alexander with his career best pass in a Top Fueler, only his fourth pass.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Doug Kalitta WIN 2 3 .062 .839 2.147 3.026 289.20 3.762 326.79 .1071 --
Right Dom Lagana 142 12 .066 .859 2.205 3.109 281.30 3.865 319.37 -- --

Doug Kalitta won here twice, but not since 2003. He was also runner-up in 2001 & 2014. Coming into eliminations he has competed in 1,002 rounds and that is 9th most among all professional drivers. Dom Lagana is 2-0 against Doug and that makes him one of just three drivers that Doug had raced and never beaten (of the 91 drivers that Doug has faced). Kalitta with a slight starting line advantage and never trailed as he runs the low E.T. of race day for the win. Lagana with a real nice pass in the losing effort.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Tony Schumacher WIN 8 6 .084 .863 2.188 3.088 284.21 3.839 318.69 .0514 --
Right Leah Pritchett 777 9 .046 .875 2.216 3.140 273.66 3.928 300.26 -- --

Tony Schumacher won this event in 2008 and was runner-up last year. Schumacher is 8 - 2 against Pritchett in prior events. Pritchett with the starting line advantage, but drops a cylinder right at the hit and Schumacher has the lead by just before half track and takes the win. Schumacher will give up lane choice to Kalitta in the next round.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Shawn Langdon 5 4 .066 .851 2.164 3.159 227.46 4.270 196.82 -- --
Right Scott Palmer WIN 5050 11 .073 .864 2.203 3.128 277.49 3.888 319.67 .3758 --

Shawn Langdon won here in 2013. Scott Palmer is making his 73rd professional start. Langdon is 4 - 1 against Palmer in prior events. Langdon with the slight starting line advantage and the lead until it started to haze the tires just before half track and Palmer takes the lead just past half track. He will give up lane choice to Force in the next round.

Driver Terry McMillen Clay Millican W
Car #2125
Q. Pos.78
60 FT.870.847
330 FT2.2102.141
660 FT3.1423.039
660 MPH272.23278.86
ET 3.926 3.806
MPH 307.02 314.31
MOV -- .1066
First -- --

Weather conditions: air temperature 88 degrees, relative humidity 45 percent, barometer 29.98 inches, adjusted altitude 2,578 feet, track temperature 114 degrees. Millican is 8 - 3 against McMillen in prior events. This is the 8th time that Clay Millican and Terry McMillen have faced each other in the opening round and Clay has won six of the previous seven meetings. McMillen with the slight starting line advantage, but Millican had the lead by time they went past the Christmas tree and never trailed from there on for the win. He was just off his qualifying time for the win. McMillen started dropping cylinder just past half track to bring an end to his weekend.

Driver Brittany Force W Troy Coughlin Jr
Car #6301
Q. Pos.510
60 FT.853.851
330 FT2.1712.193
660 FT3.0643.092
660 MPH285.77282.07
ET 3.809 3.852
MPH 321.96 309.91
MOV .0363 --
First -- --

Force and Coughlin Jr. have each won 1 times against the other in prior events. Brittany Force went to the final round here in 2015. She starts today with an overall record of 98 - 97. Coughlin Jr. with the starting line advantage, but Force grabs the lead by 150 feet and never trails from there on for the win. She is straight down the groove for the win. Coughlin got real loose on the top end and the car was on three wheels before he got it settled down.

Driver Steve Torrence W Smax Smith
Car #3354
Q. Pos.213
60 FT.851.985
330 FT2.1932.499
660 FT3.0873.608
660 MPH284.75206.42
ET 3.832 4.837
MPH 322.04 177.46
MOV 1.1045 --
First -- --

Steve Torrence is the defending event champion. He also won here in 2012. In the long history of this race only four Top Fuel drivers have ever won it in consecutive years. Smax Smith starts from the #13 spot and the 13th qualifier in Top Fuel has won an opening round match at this track in three of the last four years. Torrence with the starting line advantage and never trailed for the win. He makes a good clean pass, but will give up lane choice to Millican in the next round.

Driver Antron Brown W Blake Alexander
Car #1256
Q. Pos.114
60 FT.853.878
330 FT2.1522.230
660 FT3.0383.179
660 MPH286.38263.98
ET 3.783 3.992
MPH 323.12 289.32
MOV .2123 --
First -- --

This is Antron Brown's home track and he has won here in both the motorcycle and the Top Fuel class. His co-crew chief, Mark Oswald, also won here in two classes, Top Fuel and Funny Car and his car owner, Don Schumacher, won here in 1972. This is Blake Alexander's first start in Top Fuel and he is the 557th driver to qualify in the dragster class. Brown with a slight starting line advantage and never trailed for the win as he runs low E.T. of race day. He will have the bye in the next round. Alexander with his career best pass in a Top Fueler, only his fourth pass.

Driver Doug Kalitta W Dom Lagana
Car #2142
Q. Pos.312
60 FT.839.859
330 FT2.1472.205
660 FT3.0263.109
660 MPH289.20281.30
ET 3.762 3.865
MPH 326.79 319.37
MOV .1071 --
First -- --

Doug Kalitta won here twice, but not since 2003. He was also runner-up in 2001 & 2014. Coming into eliminations he has competed in 1,002 rounds and that is 9th most among all professional drivers. Dom Lagana is 2-0 against Doug and that makes him one of just three drivers that Doug had raced and never beaten (of the 91 drivers that Doug has faced). Kalitta with a slight starting line advantage and never trailed as he runs the low E.T. of race day for the win. Lagana with a real nice pass in the losing effort.

Driver Tony Schumacher W Leah Pritchett
Car #8777
Q. Pos.69
60 FT.863.875
330 FT2.1882.216
660 FT3.0883.140
660 MPH284.21273.66
ET 3.839 3.928
MPH 318.69 300.26
MOV .0514 --
First -- --

Tony Schumacher won this event in 2008 and was runner-up last year. Schumacher is 8 - 2 against Pritchett in prior events. Pritchett with the starting line advantage, but drops a cylinder right at the hit and Schumacher has the lead by just before half track and takes the win. Schumacher will give up lane choice to Kalitta in the next round.

Driver Shawn Langdon Scott Palmer W
Car #55050
Q. Pos.411
60 FT.851.864
330 FT2.1642.203
660 FT3.1593.128
660 MPH227.46277.49
ET 4.270 3.888
MPH 196.82 319.67
MOV -- .3758
First -- --

Shawn Langdon won here in 2013. Scott Palmer is making his 73rd professional start. Langdon is 4 - 1 against Palmer in prior events. Langdon with the slight starting line advantage and the lead until it started to haze the tires just before half track and Palmer takes the lead just past half track. He will give up lane choice to Force in the next round.