NHRA - National Hot Rod Association

NHRA Summernationals

NHRA Summernationals

  • Jun 08-11, 2017
  • Old Bridge Township Raceway Park
  • 230 Pension Rd  Englishtown, NJ 07726

Detailed Results

LaneDriverCar No.ClassDial InRT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPH1000 FTETMPHOv/UnMOVFirst
Left John Gaydosh WIN 128 PRO -- .098 1.025 2.825 4.328 163.95 5.624 6.717 206.61 -- 5.2083 --
Right Val Smeland 1465 PRO -- .076 1.038 3.295 6.058 80.01 9.029 11.947 73.56 -- -- --

Gaydosh gets a full and moves up the ladder one spot. John Gaydosh Jr's incremental times: 60ft-1.025 sec., 330ft-2.825, 660ft-4.328/163.95 mph, 1,000ft-5.624. Smeland pushes the clutch in right off the starting line.

LaneDriverCar No.ClassDial InRT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPH1000 FTETMPHOv/UnMOVFirst
Left Matthew Hartford 666 PRO -- .073 1.044 3.278 5.680 92.49 8.243 10.839 80.58 -- -- --
Right Alan Prusiensky WIN 106 PRO -- .092 .991 2.783 4.280 164.51 5.570 6.659 207.15 -- 4.1617 --

Hartford with severe tire shake right at the hit and clicks it off. Prusiensky makes a move in the right direction, but will stay in the number 11 spot. Alan Prusiensky's incremental times: 60ft-0.991 sec., 330ft-2.783, 660ft-4.280/164.51 mph, 1,000ft-5.570.

LaneDriverCar No.ClassDial InRT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPH1000 FTETMPHOv/UnMOVFirst
Left Allen Johnson WIN 8 PRO -- .043 .982 2.747 4.224 167.09 5.497 6.567 210.90 -- 9.4794 --
Right Vincent Nobile 5 PRO -- .046 1.169 5.743 11.824 35.59 18.760 26.043 28.61 -- -- --

Weather conditions: air temperature 85 degrees, relative humidity 32 percent, barometer 29.69 inches, adjusted altitude 2,509 feet, track temperature 101 degrees. Johnson was straight down the groove with a great looking pass to go to the number three spot. Allen Johnson's incremental times: 60ft-0.982 sec., 330ft-2.747, 660ft-4.224/167.09 mph, 1,000ft-5.497. Nobile with severe tire shake and clicks it off and coasts on through the 1320.

LaneDriverCar No.ClassDial InRT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPH1000 FTETMPHOv/UnMOVFirst
Left Drew Skillman 6 PRO -- .000 1.170 5.174 9.975 57.11 13.035 15.162 112.21 -- -- --
Right Kenny Delco WIN 150 PRO -- .102 .995 2.777 4.277 162.18 5.548 6.628 208.71 -- 8.4328 --

Skillman with problems on the burnout and he has severe tire shake right at the hit and clicks it off. Delco improves and moves up the ladder one spot. Kenny Delco's incremental times: 60ft-0.995 sec., 330ft-2.777, 660ft-4.277/162.18 mph, 1,000ft-5.548.

LaneDriverCar No.ClassDial InRT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPH1000 FTETMPHOv/UnMOVFirst
Left Jeg Coughlin WIN 10 PRO -- .035 1.001 2.773 4.257 166.48 5.536 6.610 210.31 -- 1.8095 --
Right Erica Enders 9 PRO -- .023 1.082 4.474 8.855 50.16 13.644 18.431 44.45 -- -- --

Coughlin will not improve...Jeg Coughlin's incremental times: 60ft-1.001 sec., 330ft-2.773, 660ft-4.257/166.48 mph, 1,000ft-5.536. Enders with severe tire shake right at the hit and clicks it off and coasts on down the 1320.

LaneDriverCar No.ClassDial InRT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPH1000 FTETMPHOv/UnMOVFirst
Left Greg Anderson WIN 2 PRO -- .019 .985 2.752 4.231 166.25 5.507 6.580 211.79 -- .0331 --
Right Jason Line 1 PRO -- .073 .978 2.743 4.217 166.68 5.489 6.559 210.73 -- -- --

Anderson with another good pass, but slows from his pass earlier. Greg Anderson's incremental times: 60ft-0.985 sec., 330ft-2.752, 660ft-4.231/166.25 mph, 1,000ft-5.507. Line launched hard and kept it hooked up to make the quickest pass of the session and moves up the ladder one spot. Jason Line's incremental times: 60ft-0.978 sec., 330ft-2.743, 660ft-4.217/166.68 mph, 1,000ft-5.489.

LaneDriverCar No.ClassDial InRT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPH1000 FTETMPHOv/UnMOVFirst
Left Bo Butner 4 PRO -- .053 .983 2.747 4.217 167.49 5.485 6.552 211.73 -- -- --
Right Tanner Gray WIN 15 PRO -- .039 .984 2.751 4.223 167.45 5.490 6.556 211.79 -- .0105 --

Butner with the quickest pass of the session and just a tick off his E.T. from earlier today. Bo Butner's incremental times: 60ft-0.983 sec., 330ft-2.747, 660ft-4.217/167.49 mph, 1,000ft-5.485. Gray is right there with him and has the second quickest pass of the session and also is just a tick off his E.T. from earlier today. Tanner Gray's incremental times: 60ft-0.984 sec., 330ft-2.751, 660ft-4.223/167.45 mph, 1,000ft-5.490.

Driver John Gaydosh W Val Smeland
Car #1281465
Dial In----
60 FT1.0251.038
330 FT2.8253.295
660 FT4.3286.058
660 MPH163.9580.01
1000 FT5.6249.029
ET 6.717 11.947
MPH 206.61 73.56
Ov/Un -- --
MOV 5.2083 --
First -- --

Gaydosh gets a full and moves up the ladder one spot. John Gaydosh Jr's incremental times: 60ft-1.025 sec., 330ft-2.825, 660ft-4.328/163.95 mph, 1,000ft-5.624. Smeland pushes the clutch in right off the starting line.

Driver Matthew Hartford Alan Prusiensky W
Car #666106
Dial In----
60 FT1.044.991
330 FT3.2782.783
660 FT5.6804.280
660 MPH92.49164.51
1000 FT8.2435.570
ET 10.839 6.659
MPH 80.58 207.15
Ov/Un -- --
MOV -- 4.1617
First -- --

Hartford with severe tire shake right at the hit and clicks it off. Prusiensky makes a move in the right direction, but will stay in the number 11 spot. Alan Prusiensky's incremental times: 60ft-0.991 sec., 330ft-2.783, 660ft-4.280/164.51 mph, 1,000ft-5.570.

Driver Allen Johnson W Vincent Nobile
Car #85
Dial In----
60 FT.9821.169
330 FT2.7475.743
660 FT4.22411.824
660 MPH167.0935.59
1000 FT5.49718.760
ET 6.567 26.043
MPH 210.90 28.61
Ov/Un -- --
MOV 9.4794 --
First -- --

Weather conditions: air temperature 85 degrees, relative humidity 32 percent, barometer 29.69 inches, adjusted altitude 2,509 feet, track temperature 101 degrees. Johnson was straight down the groove with a great looking pass to go to the number three spot. Allen Johnson's incremental times: 60ft-0.982 sec., 330ft-2.747, 660ft-4.224/167.09 mph, 1,000ft-5.497. Nobile with severe tire shake and clicks it off and coasts on through the 1320.

Driver Drew Skillman Kenny Delco W
Car #6150
Dial In----
60 FT1.170.995
330 FT5.1742.777
660 FT9.9754.277
660 MPH57.11162.18
1000 FT13.0355.548
ET 15.162 6.628
MPH 112.21 208.71
Ov/Un -- --
MOV -- 8.4328
First -- --

Skillman with problems on the burnout and he has severe tire shake right at the hit and clicks it off. Delco improves and moves up the ladder one spot. Kenny Delco's incremental times: 60ft-0.995 sec., 330ft-2.777, 660ft-4.277/162.18 mph, 1,000ft-5.548.

Driver Jeg Coughlin W Erica Enders
Car #109
Dial In----
60 FT1.0011.082
330 FT2.7734.474
660 FT4.2578.855
660 MPH166.4850.16
1000 FT5.53613.644
ET 6.610 18.431
MPH 210.31 44.45
Ov/Un -- --
MOV 1.8095 --
First -- --

Coughlin will not improve...Jeg Coughlin's incremental times: 60ft-1.001 sec., 330ft-2.773, 660ft-4.257/166.48 mph, 1,000ft-5.536. Enders with severe tire shake right at the hit and clicks it off and coasts on down the 1320.

Driver Greg Anderson W Jason Line
Car #21
Dial In----
60 FT.985.978
330 FT2.7522.743
660 FT4.2314.217
660 MPH166.25166.68
1000 FT5.5075.489
ET 6.580 6.559
MPH 211.79 210.73
Ov/Un -- --
MOV .0331 --
First -- --

Anderson with another good pass, but slows from his pass earlier. Greg Anderson's incremental times: 60ft-0.985 sec., 330ft-2.752, 660ft-4.231/166.25 mph, 1,000ft-5.507. Line launched hard and kept it hooked up to make the quickest pass of the session and moves up the ladder one spot. Jason Line's incremental times: 60ft-0.978 sec., 330ft-2.743, 660ft-4.217/166.68 mph, 1,000ft-5.489.

Driver Bo Butner Tanner Gray W
Car #415
Dial In----
60 FT.983.984
330 FT2.7472.751
660 FT4.2174.223
660 MPH167.49167.45
1000 FT5.4855.490
ET 6.552 6.556
MPH 211.73 211.79
Ov/Un -- --
MOV -- .0105
First -- --

Butner with the quickest pass of the session and just a tick off his E.T. from earlier today. Bo Butner's incremental times: 60ft-0.983 sec., 330ft-2.747, 660ft-4.217/167.49 mph, 1,000ft-5.485. Gray is right there with him and has the second quickest pass of the session and also is just a tick off his E.T. from earlier today. Tanner Gray's incremental times: 60ft-0.984 sec., 330ft-2.751, 660ft-4.223/167.45 mph, 1,000ft-5.490.