NHRA - National Hot Rod Association

NHRA Summernationals

NHRA Summernationals

  • Jun 08-11, 2017
  • Old Bridge Township Raceway Park
  • 230 Pension Rd  Englishtown, NJ 07726

Detailed Results

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Jonnie Lindberg WIN 801 8 .187 .879 2.441 4.240 122.05 6.299 106.48 .1221 --
Right Jeff Diehl 717 16 .176 .913 2.414 4.053 127.05 6.432 81.27 -- --

3:14 p.m. - Weather conditions: air temperature 91 degrees, relative humidity 33 percent, barometer 29.89 inches, adjusted altitude 2,736 feet, track temperature 124 degrees. There are 16 Funny Cars here so qualifying is for position. At the start of the session, Courtney Force was in the top spot in the order and Jeff Diehl was number 16. Both Drivers launched and spun the tires before they reached the 330 foot markers.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Tim Wilkerson WIN 9 6 .113 .886 2.287 3.216 278.40 3.973 317.57 .4209 --
Right J.R. Todd 373 14 .107 .893 2.317 3.330 232.59 4.399 207.27 -- --

Todd shut off a little bit early. Wilkerson's run looked okay but was not as quick as he was yesterday.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Bob Tasca III WIN 77 10 .098 .901 2.295 3.248 272.45 4.016 316.82 .2832 --
Right Matt Hagan 3 9 .084 .887 2.315 3.306 244.03 4.313 220.80 -- --

Hagan's car lost a cylinder or two and took a little hop just before the finish line. Tasca's run looked good but was not quick enough to move up in the order.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left John Force WIN 4 15 .099 .896 2.297 3.251 272.61 4.015 316.52 .0661 --
Right Del Worsham 750 13 .133 .898 2.330 3.279 272.67 4.047 317.72 -- --

Force moved up three spots in the order with his quickest run of the weekend so far. That pushed Worsham down one spot.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Tommy Johnson Jr WIN 2 7 .110 .879 2.308 3.267 271.57 4.034 316.67 .3507 --
Right Jim Campbell 703 13 .090 .900 2.301 3.329 229.86 4.404 206.51 -- --

Campbell's car got to mid track when he smoked the rear tires and shut the car off. It let out smoke as it crossed the finish line. Johnson's run looked good but did not improve his spot in the order.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Cruz Pedregon WIN 71 5 .141 .894 2.328 3.310 264.03 4.103 303.50 .7946 --
Right Alexis Dejoria 771 11 .114 .897 2.332 3.533 179.14 4.924 158.63 -- --

DeJoria's car got off to a good start but then smoked the rear tires at mid track and clicked it off. Pedregon had some tire shake too. Neither driver improved their place in the order.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Ron Capps WIN 1 3 .137 .873 2.257 3.195 275.22 3.963 313.51 .4341 --
Right Jack Beckman 5 4 .092 .871 2.258 3.279 223.54 4.442 174.82 -- --

Beckman got about 500 feet out when he lost a cylinder and then the blower blew. He brought the car to a stop and quickly got out of the car. In the other lane, Capps took his car straight down the groove on a good run.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Courtney Force WIN 6 1 .082 .871 2.246 3.176 278.23 3.930 321.04 .0115 --
Right Robert Hight 8 2 .095 .872 2.252 3.175 278.92 3.928 322.11 -- --

Both drivers took their cars straight down the groove. That gave Hight the low ET of the session and Force had the second lowest ET of the third session.

Driver Jonnie Lindberg W Jeff Diehl
Car #801717
Q. Pos.816
60 FT.879.913
330 FT2.4412.414
660 FT4.2404.053
660 MPH122.05127.05
ET 6.299 6.432
MPH 106.48 81.27
MOV .1221 --
First -- --

3:14 p.m. - Weather conditions: air temperature 91 degrees, relative humidity 33 percent, barometer 29.89 inches, adjusted altitude 2,736 feet, track temperature 124 degrees. There are 16 Funny Cars here so qualifying is for position. At the start of the session, Courtney Force was in the top spot in the order and Jeff Diehl was number 16. Both Drivers launched and spun the tires before they reached the 330 foot markers.

Driver Tim Wilkerson W J.R. Todd
Car #9373
Q. Pos.614
60 FT.886.893
330 FT2.2872.317
660 FT3.2163.330
660 MPH278.40232.59
ET 3.973 4.399
MPH 317.57 207.27
MOV .4209 --
First -- --

Todd shut off a little bit early. Wilkerson's run looked okay but was not as quick as he was yesterday.

Driver Bob Tasca III W Matt Hagan
Car #773
Q. Pos.109
60 FT.901.887
330 FT2.2952.315
660 FT3.2483.306
660 MPH272.45244.03
ET 4.016 4.313
MPH 316.82 220.80
MOV .2832 --
First -- --

Hagan's car lost a cylinder or two and took a little hop just before the finish line. Tasca's run looked good but was not quick enough to move up in the order.

Driver John Force W Del Worsham
Car #4750
Q. Pos.1513
60 FT.896.898
330 FT2.2972.330
660 FT3.2513.279
660 MPH272.61272.67
ET 4.015 4.047
MPH 316.52 317.72
MOV .0661 --
First -- --

Force moved up three spots in the order with his quickest run of the weekend so far. That pushed Worsham down one spot.

Driver Tommy Johnson Jr W Jim Campbell
Car #2703
Q. Pos.713
60 FT.879.900
330 FT2.3082.301
660 FT3.2673.329
660 MPH271.57229.86
ET 4.034 4.404
MPH 316.67 206.51
MOV .3507 --
First -- --

Campbell's car got to mid track when he smoked the rear tires and shut the car off. It let out smoke as it crossed the finish line. Johnson's run looked good but did not improve his spot in the order.

Driver Cruz Pedregon W Alexis Dejoria
Car #71771
Q. Pos.511
60 FT.894.897
330 FT2.3282.332
660 FT3.3103.533
660 MPH264.03179.14
ET 4.103 4.924
MPH 303.50 158.63
MOV .7946 --
First -- --

DeJoria's car got off to a good start but then smoked the rear tires at mid track and clicked it off. Pedregon had some tire shake too. Neither driver improved their place in the order.

Driver Ron Capps W Jack Beckman
Car #15
Q. Pos.34
60 FT.873.871
330 FT2.2572.258
660 FT3.1953.279
660 MPH275.22223.54
ET 3.963 4.442
MPH 313.51 174.82
MOV .4341 --
First -- --

Beckman got about 500 feet out when he lost a cylinder and then the blower blew. He brought the car to a stop and quickly got out of the car. In the other lane, Capps took his car straight down the groove on a good run.

Driver Courtney Force W Robert Hight
Car #68
Q. Pos.12
60 FT.871.872
330 FT2.2462.252
660 FT3.1763.175
660 MPH278.23278.92
ET 3.930 3.928
MPH 321.04 322.11
MOV .0115 --
First -- --

Both drivers took their cars straight down the groove. That gave Hight the low ET of the session and Force had the second lowest ET of the third session.