NHRA Thunder Valley Nationals
- Jun 16-18, 2017
- Bristol Dragway
- 151 Speedway Blvd Bristol, TN 37620
Detailed Results
Lane | Driver | Car No. | Q. Pos. | RT | 60 FT | 330 FT | 660 FT | 660 MPH | ET | MPH | MOV | First |
Left | Clay Millican WIN | 25 | 4 | .129 | .859 | 2.176 | 3.419 | 172.08 | 4.895 | 148.04 | -- | -- |
Right | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- |
Weather conditions: air temperature 88 degrees, relative humidity 50 percent, barometer 28.29 inches, adjusted altitude 4,664 feet, track temperature 129 degrees. Millican starts to haze the tires around the 330-foot mark and clicks it off. | ||||||||||||
Lane | Driver | Car No. | Q. Pos. | RT | 60 FT | 330 FT | 660 FT | 660 MPH | ET | MPH | MOV | First |
Left | Antron Brown WIN | 1 | 15 | .060 | .866 | 2.188 | 3.084 | 285.71 | 3.834 | 318.62 | .0989 | -- |
Right | Kebin Kinsley | 448 | 11 | .096 | .868 | 2.210 | 3.123 | 279.44 | 3.896 | 299.66 | -- | -- |
Brown launched hard and was straight down the groove to move into the top half of the show. Antron Brown's incremental times: 60ft-0.866 sec., 330ft-2.188, 660ft-3.084/285.71 mph. Kinsley was right there with him until right in the lights when it appeared to pop with a quick flash and he slowed. Kebin Kinsley's incremental times: 60ft-0.868 sec., 330ft-2.210, 660ft-3.123/279.44 mph. | ||||||||||||
Lane | Driver | Car No. | Q. Pos. | RT | 60 FT | 330 FT | 660 FT | 660 MPH | ET | MPH | MOV | First |
Left | Terry McMillen | 21 | 16 | .070 | .877 | 2.292 | 3.653 | 184.90 | 5.816 | 111.52 | -- | -- |
Right | Chris Karamesines WIN | 323 | -- | .130 | .920 | 2.366 | 3.493 | 199.70 | 4.769 | 170.58 | .9876 | -- |
McMillen is up in smoke right at the hit and clicked it off. Karamesines is mixing up cylinders early and then the engine lets go with a huge fireball, but he stayed with it to get in the show and bump out McMillen. The word is there is oil on the track. Chris Karamesines was charged with an oildown, #1 for the season. That will cost 5 points. | ||||||||||||
Lane | Driver | Car No. | Q. Pos. | RT | 60 FT | 330 FT | 660 FT | 660 MPH | ET | MPH | MOV | First |
Left | Shawn Langdon | 5 | 13 | .086 | .875 | 2.354 | 4.135 | 118.38 | 6.220 | 110.09 | -- | -- |
Right | Tony Schumacher WIN | 8 | 6 | .088 | .873 | 2.289 | 3.890 | 131.52 | 5.780 | 118.20 | .4382 | -- |
Langdon starts to lose traction early and clicks it off. Schumacher is up in smoke by 330 feet and clicked it off. | ||||||||||||
Lane | Driver | Car No. | Q. Pos. | RT | 60 FT | 330 FT | 660 FT | 660 MPH | ET | MPH | MOV | First |
Left | Mike Salinas | 7211 | 12 | .015 | .874 | 2.205 | 3.324 | 194.74 | 4.624 | 167.93 | -- | -- |
Right | Brittany Force WIN | 6 | 15 | .090 | .878 | 2.229 | 3.155 | 274.50 | 3.934 | 308.35 | .6151 | -- |
Salinas was real loose right at the hit and then started to haze the tires and clicks it off. Force launched hard and then dropped a cylinder or two around half track and then the engine let go with huge fireball. She still make her quickest pass of the weekend to move up to the number 10 spot. Brittany Force's incremental times: 60ft-0.878 sec., 330ft-2.229, 660ft-3.155/274.50 mph. The word from the top end is there is oil on the track. Brittany Force was charged with an oildown, #3 for the season. That will cost 15 points. | ||||||||||||
Lane | Driver | Car No. | Q. Pos. | RT | 60 FT | 330 FT | 660 FT | 660 MPH | ET | MPH | MOV | First |
Left | Kyle Wurtzel WIN | 386 | 11 | .137 | .879 | 2.365 | 4.185 | 115.48 | 6.480 | 92.44 | -- | -- |
Right | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- |
Wurtzel is up in smoke right at the hit and clicked it off. | ||||||||||||
Lane | Driver | Car No. | Q. Pos. | RT | 60 FT | 330 FT | 660 FT | 660 MPH | ET | MPH | MOV | First |
Left | Pat Dakin | 303 | 7 | .084 | 1.009 | 4.116 | 7.586 | 66.16 | 11.424 | 57.08 | -- | -- |
Right | Troy Coughlin Jr WIN | 301 | 12 | .095 | .855 | 2.269 | 3.830 | 135.95 | 5.674 | 120.74 | 5.7391 | -- |
Dakin is up in smoke right at the hit and clicked it off. Coughlin is up in smoke by 330 feet and lifts. | ||||||||||||
Lane | Driver | Car No. | Q. Pos. | RT | 60 FT | 330 FT | 660 FT | 660 MPH | ET | MPH | MOV | First |
Left | Leah Pritchett | 777 | 3 | .095 | .944 | 2.622 | 4.788 | 93.29 | 7.835 | 66.80 | -- | -- |
Right | Scott Palmer WIN | 5050 | 8 | .082 | .866 | 2.236 | 3.355 | 195.11 | 4.643 | 170.39 | 3.2058 | -- |
Pritchett started to haze the tires right at the hit and then the car banged the blower and the chutes deployed. Palmer is up in smoke early and clicked it off. | ||||||||||||
Lane | Driver | Car No. | Q. Pos. | RT | 60 FT | 330 FT | 660 FT | 660 MPH | ET | MPH | MOV | First |
Left | Doug Kalitta WIN | 2 | 1 | .056 | .865 | 2.220 | 3.457 | 173.01 | 4.909 | 153.06 | .1597 | -- |
Right | Steve Torrence | 3 | 2 | .070 | .862 | 2.218 | 3.509 | 165.07 | 5.054 | 140.46 | -- | -- |
Kalitta is up in smoke early and clicked it off. Torrence is up in smoke and he too clicks it off. |
Lane | left | right |
Driver | Clay Millican W | -- |
Car # | 25 | -- |
Q. Pos. | 4 | -- |
RT | .129 | -- |
60 FT | .859 | -- |
330 FT | 2.176 | -- |
660 FT | 3.419 | -- |
660 MPH | 172.08 | -- |
ET | 4.895 | -- |
MPH | 148.04 | -- |
MOV | -- W | -- |
First | -- | -- |
Weather conditions: air temperature 88 degrees, relative humidity 50 percent, barometer 28.29 inches, adjusted altitude 4,664 feet, track temperature 129 degrees. Millican starts to haze the tires around the 330-foot mark and clicks it off. | ||
Lane | left | right |
Driver | Antron Brown W | Kebin Kinsley |
Car # | 1 | 448 |
Q. Pos. | 15 | 11 |
RT | .060 | .096 |
60 FT | .866 | .868 |
330 FT | 2.188 | 2.210 |
660 FT | 3.084 | 3.123 |
660 MPH | 285.71 | 279.44 |
ET | 3.834 | 3.896 |
MPH | 318.62 | 299.66 |
MOV | .0989 | -- |
First | -- | -- |
Brown launched hard and was straight down the groove to move into the top half of the show. Antron Brown's incremental times: 60ft-0.866 sec., 330ft-2.188, 660ft-3.084/285.71 mph. Kinsley was right there with him until right in the lights when it appeared to pop with a quick flash and he slowed. Kebin Kinsley's incremental times: 60ft-0.868 sec., 330ft-2.210, 660ft-3.123/279.44 mph. | ||
Lane | left | right |
Driver | Terry McMillen | Chris Karamesines W |
Car # | 21 | 323 |
Q. Pos. | 16 | -- |
RT | .070 | .130 |
60 FT | .877 | .920 |
330 FT | 2.292 | 2.366 |
660 FT | 3.653 | 3.493 |
660 MPH | 184.90 | 199.70 |
ET | 5.816 | 4.769 |
MPH | 111.52 | 170.58 |
MOV | -- | .9876 |
First | -- | -- |
McMillen is up in smoke right at the hit and clicked it off. Karamesines is mixing up cylinders early and then the engine lets go with a huge fireball, but he stayed with it to get in the show and bump out McMillen. The word is there is oil on the track. Chris Karamesines was charged with an oildown, #1 for the season. That will cost 5 points. | ||
Lane | left | right |
Driver | Shawn Langdon | Tony Schumacher W |
Car # | 5 | 8 |
Q. Pos. | 13 | 6 |
RT | .086 | .088 |
60 FT | .875 | .873 |
330 FT | 2.354 | 2.289 |
660 FT | 4.135 | 3.890 |
660 MPH | 118.38 | 131.52 |
ET | 6.220 | 5.780 |
MPH | 110.09 | 118.20 |
MOV | -- | .4382 |
First | -- | -- |
Langdon starts to lose traction early and clicks it off. Schumacher is up in smoke by 330 feet and clicked it off. | ||
Lane | left | right |
Driver | Mike Salinas | Brittany Force W |
Car # | 7211 | 6 |
Q. Pos. | 12 | 15 |
RT | .015 | .090 |
60 FT | .874 | .878 |
330 FT | 2.205 | 2.229 |
660 FT | 3.324 | 3.155 |
660 MPH | 194.74 | 274.50 |
ET | 4.624 | 3.934 |
MPH | 167.93 | 308.35 |
MOV | -- | .6151 |
First | -- | -- |
Salinas was real loose right at the hit and then started to haze the tires and clicks it off. Force launched hard and then dropped a cylinder or two around half track and then the engine let go with huge fireball. She still make her quickest pass of the weekend to move up to the number 10 spot. Brittany Force's incremental times: 60ft-0.878 sec., 330ft-2.229, 660ft-3.155/274.50 mph. The word from the top end is there is oil on the track. Brittany Force was charged with an oildown, #3 for the season. That will cost 15 points. | ||
Lane | left | right |
Driver | Kyle Wurtzel W | -- |
Car # | 386 | -- |
Q. Pos. | 11 | -- |
RT | .137 | -- |
60 FT | .879 | -- |
330 FT | 2.365 | -- |
660 FT | 4.185 | -- |
660 MPH | 115.48 | -- |
ET | 6.480 | -- |
MPH | 92.44 | -- |
MOV | -- W | -- |
First | -- | -- |
Wurtzel is up in smoke right at the hit and clicked it off. | ||
Lane | left | right |
Driver | Pat Dakin | Troy Coughlin Jr W |
Car # | 303 | 301 |
Q. Pos. | 7 | 12 |
RT | .084 | .095 |
60 FT | 1.009 | .855 |
330 FT | 4.116 | 2.269 |
660 FT | 7.586 | 3.830 |
660 MPH | 66.16 | 135.95 |
ET | 11.424 | 5.674 |
MPH | 57.08 | 120.74 |
MOV | -- | 5.7391 |
First | -- | -- |
Dakin is up in smoke right at the hit and clicked it off. Coughlin is up in smoke by 330 feet and lifts. | ||
Lane | left | right |
Driver | Leah Pritchett | Scott Palmer W |
Car # | 777 | 5050 |
Q. Pos. | 3 | 8 |
RT | .095 | .082 |
60 FT | .944 | .866 |
330 FT | 2.622 | 2.236 |
660 FT | 4.788 | 3.355 |
660 MPH | 93.29 | 195.11 |
ET | 7.835 | 4.643 |
MPH | 66.80 | 170.39 |
MOV | -- | 3.2058 |
First | -- | -- |
Pritchett started to haze the tires right at the hit and then the car banged the blower and the chutes deployed. Palmer is up in smoke early and clicked it off. | ||
Lane | left | right |
Driver | Doug Kalitta W | Steve Torrence |
Car # | 2 | 3 |
Q. Pos. | 1 | 2 |
RT | .056 | .070 |
60 FT | .865 | .862 |
330 FT | 2.220 | 2.218 |
660 FT | 3.457 | 3.509 |
660 MPH | 173.01 | 165.07 |
ET | 4.909 | 5.054 |
MPH | 153.06 | 140.46 |
MOV | .1597 | -- |
First | -- | -- |
Kalitta is up in smoke early and clicked it off. Torrence is up in smoke and he too clicks it off. |