NHRA - National Hot Rod Association

NHRA Thunder Valley Nationals

NHRA Thunder Valley Nationals

  • Jun 16-18, 2017
  • Bristol Dragway
  • 151 Speedway Blvd  Bristol, TN 37620

Detailed Results

LaneDriverCar No.ClassDial InRT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPH1000 FTETMPHOv/UnMOVFirst
Left -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Right Alan Prusiensky WIN 106 PRO -- .073 1.014 2.846 4.376 161.05 5.696 6.807 202.97 -- -- --

Weather conditions: air temperature 81 degrees, relative humidity 69 percent, barometer 28.28 inches, adjusted altitude 4,361 feet, track temperature 108 degrees. Prusiensky slowed on the top end and he will not improve.

LaneDriverCar No.ClassDial InRT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPH1000 FTETMPHOv/UnMOVFirst
Left Wally Stroupe WIN 2222 PRO -- .092 1.065 3.025 4.684 148.14 6.120 7.334 185.46 -- -- --
Right Tanner Gray 15 PRO -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Gray can't get the car to fire...the word from the starting line was some type of electrical gremlin. Stroupe is straight down the groove, but will not improve.

LaneDriverCar No.ClassDial InRT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPH1000 FTETMPHOv/UnMOVFirst
Left Drew Skillman 6 PRO -- .052 1.000 2.830 4.353 161.65 5.668 6.772 203.89 -- -- --
Right Shane Gray WIN 3 PRO -- .040 1.006 2.825 4.346 162.02 5.655 6.757 203.80 -- .0278 --

No help here for Skillman. Gray with his quickest pass of the weekend and ties Skillman's E.T., but will give up the position based on his slower speed. Shane Gray's incremental times: 60ft-1.006 sec., 330ft-2.825, 660ft-4.346/162.02 mph, 1,000ft-5.655.

LaneDriverCar No.ClassDial InRT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPH1000 FTETMPHOv/UnMOVFirst
Left Allen Johnson 8 PRO -- .084 .994 2.810 4.327 162.94 5.635 6.738 204.63 -- -- --
Right Alex Laughlin WIN 40 PRO -- .044 1.009 2.827 4.349 161.52 5.663 6.768 204.08 -- .0101 --

Johnson with the quickest pass of the session, but will not improve. Allen Johnson's incremental times: 60ft-0.994 sec., 330ft-2.810, 660ft-4.327/162.94 mph, 1,000ft-5.635. Laughlin with the third quickest pass of the session, and he will not improve. Alex Laughlin's incremental times: 60ft-1.009 sec., 330ft-2.827, 660ft-4.349/161.52 mph, 1,000ft-5.663.

LaneDriverCar No.ClassDial InRT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPH1000 FTETMPHOv/UnMOVFirst
Left Greg Anderson WIN 2 PRO -- .025 .991 2.805 4.322 162.72 5.632 6.733 204.48 -- .0095 --
Right Vincent Nobile 5 PRO -- .021 1.016 2.829 4.343 162.96 5.649 6.746 205.41 -- -- --

Anderson will not improve, but has the quickest pass of the session. Greg Anderson's incremental times: 60ft-0.991 sec., 330ft-2.805, 660ft-4.322/162.72 mph, 1,000ft-5.632. No help here for Nobile, but he has the third quickest pass of the session. Vincent Nobile's incremental times: 60ft-1.016 sec., 330ft-2.829, 660ft-4.343/162.96 mph, 1,000ft-5.649.

LaneDriverCar No.ClassDial InRT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPH1000 FTETMPHOv/UnMOVFirst
Left Erica Enders WIN 9 PRO -- .020 .994 2.804 4.318 162.68 5.627 6.728 204.82 -- .0099 --
Right Jason Line 1 PRO -- .023 .999 2.807 4.324 162.51 5.633 6.734 204.76 -- -- --

Enders with problems getting back to the starting line after the burnout and crew pushes her back to the starting line. She is then straight down the groove with the quickest pass of the session, but will not improve. Erica Enders' incremental times: 60ft-0.994 sec., 330ft-2.804, 660ft-4.318/162.68 mph, 1,000ft-5.627. Line with the third quickest pass of the session, but he will not improve. Jason Line's incremental times: 60ft-0.999 sec., 330ft-2.807, 660ft-4.324/162.51 mph, 1,000ft-5.633.

LaneDriverCar No.ClassDial InRT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPH1000 FTETMPHOv/UnMOVFirst
Left Jeg Coughlin WIN 10 PRO -- .028 .985 2.787 4.299 163.10 5.607 6.708 204.79 -- .0343 --
Right Bo Butner 4 PRO -- .063 .993 2.795 4.306 162.92 5.609 6.707 205.44 -- -- --

This is a great side-by-side drag race to wrap up Pro Stock qualifying. Butner launched hard and kept it hooked up to make the quickest pass of the session, but will stay in the number two spot. Bo Butner's incremental times: 60ft-0.993 sec., 330ft-2.795, 660ft-4.306/162.92 mph, 1,000ft-5.609. Coughlin is right there with him for the second quickest pass of the session. Jeg Coughlin's incremental times: 60ft-0.985 sec., 330ft-2.787, 660ft-4.299/163.10 mph, 1,000ft-5.607. He will hold on to the number one spot for the third time this season and the 23rd time in his career.

Driver -- Alan Prusiensky W
Car #--106
Dial In----
60 FT--1.014
330 FT--2.846
660 FT--4.376
660 MPH--161.05
1000 FT--5.696
ET -- 6.807
MPH -- 202.97
Ov/Un -- --
MOV -- --
First -- --

Weather conditions: air temperature 81 degrees, relative humidity 69 percent, barometer 28.28 inches, adjusted altitude 4,361 feet, track temperature 108 degrees. Prusiensky slowed on the top end and he will not improve.

Driver Wally Stroupe W Tanner Gray
Car #222215
Dial In----
60 FT1.065--
330 FT3.025--
660 FT4.684--
660 MPH148.14--
1000 FT6.120--
ET 7.334 --
MPH 185.46 --
Ov/Un -- --
MOV -- --
First -- --

Gray can't get the car to fire...the word from the starting line was some type of electrical gremlin. Stroupe is straight down the groove, but will not improve.

Driver Drew Skillman Shane Gray W
Car #63
Dial In----
60 FT1.0001.006
330 FT2.8302.825
660 FT4.3534.346
660 MPH161.65162.02
1000 FT5.6685.655
ET 6.772 6.757
MPH 203.89 203.80
Ov/Un -- --
MOV -- .0278
First -- --

No help here for Skillman. Gray with his quickest pass of the weekend and ties Skillman's E.T., but will give up the position based on his slower speed. Shane Gray's incremental times: 60ft-1.006 sec., 330ft-2.825, 660ft-4.346/162.02 mph, 1,000ft-5.655.

Driver Allen Johnson Alex Laughlin W
Car #840
Dial In----
60 FT.9941.009
330 FT2.8102.827
660 FT4.3274.349
660 MPH162.94161.52
1000 FT5.6355.663
ET 6.738 6.768
MPH 204.63 204.08
Ov/Un -- --
MOV -- .0101
First -- --

Johnson with the quickest pass of the session, but will not improve. Allen Johnson's incremental times: 60ft-0.994 sec., 330ft-2.810, 660ft-4.327/162.94 mph, 1,000ft-5.635. Laughlin with the third quickest pass of the session, and he will not improve. Alex Laughlin's incremental times: 60ft-1.009 sec., 330ft-2.827, 660ft-4.349/161.52 mph, 1,000ft-5.663.

Driver Greg Anderson W Vincent Nobile
Car #25
Dial In----
60 FT.9911.016
330 FT2.8052.829
660 FT4.3224.343
660 MPH162.72162.96
1000 FT5.6325.649
ET 6.733 6.746
MPH 204.48 205.41
Ov/Un -- --
MOV .0095 --
First -- --

Anderson will not improve, but has the quickest pass of the session. Greg Anderson's incremental times: 60ft-0.991 sec., 330ft-2.805, 660ft-4.322/162.72 mph, 1,000ft-5.632. No help here for Nobile, but he has the third quickest pass of the session. Vincent Nobile's incremental times: 60ft-1.016 sec., 330ft-2.829, 660ft-4.343/162.96 mph, 1,000ft-5.649.

Driver Erica Enders W Jason Line
Car #91
Dial In----
60 FT.994.999
330 FT2.8042.807
660 FT4.3184.324
660 MPH162.68162.51
1000 FT5.6275.633
ET 6.728 6.734
MPH 204.82 204.76
Ov/Un -- --
MOV .0099 --
First -- --

Enders with problems getting back to the starting line after the burnout and crew pushes her back to the starting line. She is then straight down the groove with the quickest pass of the session, but will not improve. Erica Enders' incremental times: 60ft-0.994 sec., 330ft-2.804, 660ft-4.318/162.68 mph, 1,000ft-5.627. Line with the third quickest pass of the session, but he will not improve. Jason Line's incremental times: 60ft-0.999 sec., 330ft-2.807, 660ft-4.324/162.51 mph, 1,000ft-5.633.

Driver Jeg Coughlin W Bo Butner
Car #104
Dial In----
60 FT.985.993
330 FT2.7872.795
660 FT4.2994.306
660 MPH163.10162.92
1000 FT5.6075.609
ET 6.708 6.707
MPH 204.79 205.44
Ov/Un -- --
MOV .0343 --
First -- --

This is a great side-by-side drag race to wrap up Pro Stock qualifying. Butner launched hard and kept it hooked up to make the quickest pass of the session, but will stay in the number two spot. Bo Butner's incremental times: 60ft-0.993 sec., 330ft-2.795, 660ft-4.306/162.92 mph, 1,000ft-5.609. Coughlin is right there with him for the second quickest pass of the session. Jeg Coughlin's incremental times: 60ft-0.985 sec., 330ft-2.787, 660ft-4.299/163.10 mph, 1,000ft-5.607. He will hold on to the number one spot for the third time this season and the 23rd time in his career.