NHRA Thunder Valley Nationals
- Jun 16-18, 2017
- Bristol Dragway
- 151 Speedway Blvd Bristol, TN 37620
Detailed Results
Lane | Driver | Car No. | Class | Dial In | RT | 60 FT | 330 FT | 660 FT | 660 MPH | 1000 FT | ET | MPH | Ov/Un | MOV | First |
Left | Tanner Gray WIN | 15 | PRO | -- | .031 | 1.025 | 2.856 | 4.374 | 162.59 | 5.681 | 6.778 | 205.38 | -- | -- | -- |
Right | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- |
Weather conditions: air temperature 88 degrees, relative humidity 50 percent, barometer 28.29 inches, adjusted altitude 4,664 feet, track temperature 125 degrees. Gray after struggling yesterday makes a good clean pass to go to the number 10 spot. Tanner Gray's incremental times: 60ft-1.025 sec., 330ft-2.856, 660ft-4.374/162.59 mph, 1,000ft-5.681. | |||||||||||||||
Lane | Driver | Car No. | Class | Dial In | RT | 60 FT | 330 FT | 660 FT | 660 MPH | 1000 FT | ET | MPH | Ov/Un | MOV | First |
Left | Shane Gray WIN | 3 | PRO | -- | .061 | 1.028 | 2.844 | 4.359 | 162.86 | 5.664 | 6.760 | 205.54 | -- | .0223 | -- |
Right | Drew Skillman | 6 | PRO | -- | .047 | 1.030 | 2.858 | 4.381 | 161.30 | 5.694 | 6.796 | 204.51 | -- | -- | -- |
Gray is straight down the groove with a clean pass to go to the number 10 spot. Shane Gray's incremental times: 60ft-1.028 sec., 330ft-2.844, 660ft-4.359/162.86 mph, 1,000ft-5.664. No help here for Skillman and he will stay in the number nine spot. | |||||||||||||||
Lane | Driver | Car No. | Class | Dial In | RT | 60 FT | 330 FT | 660 FT | 660 MPH | 1000 FT | ET | MPH | Ov/Un | MOV | First |
Left | Vincent Nobile WIN | 5 | PRO | -- | .023 | 1.010 | 2.820 | 4.329 | 163.59 | 5.631 | 6.725 | 205.91 | -- | 2.4377 | -- |
Right | Wally Stroupe | 2222 | PRO | -- | .074 | 1.087 | 3.075 | 4.946 | 119.07 | 6.979 | 9.111 | 98.05 | -- | -- | -- |
Nobile launched hard and kept it hooked up to move up the ladder one spot. Vincent Nobile's incremental times: 60ft-1.010 sec., 330ft-2.820, 660ft-4.329/163.59 mph, 1,000ft-5.631. Stroupe made a quick move toward the wall and clicked it off. | |||||||||||||||
Lane | Driver | Car No. | Class | Dial In | RT | 60 FT | 330 FT | 660 FT | 660 MPH | 1000 FT | ET | MPH | Ov/Un | MOV | First |
Left | Alan Prusiensky WIN | 106 | PRO | -- | .088 | .999 | 2.826 | 4.353 | 161.44 | 5.674 | 6.786 | 202.79 | -- | .0121 | -- |
Right | Allen Johnson | 8 | PRO | -- | .134 | 1.022 | 2.837 | 4.352 | 163.08 | 5.656 | 6.752 | 205.60 | -- | -- | -- |
Prusiensky with his quickest pass of the weekend, but will stay in the number 12 spot. Alan Prusiensky's incremental times: 60ft-0.999 sec., 330ft-2.826, 660ft-4.353/161.44 mph, 1,000ft-5.674. Johnson with the second quickest pass of the session, but will not improve. Allen Johnson's incremental times: 60ft-1.022 sec., 330ft-2.837, 660ft-4.352/163.08 mph, 1,000ft-5.656. | |||||||||||||||
Lane | Driver | Car No. | Class | Dial In | RT | 60 FT | 330 FT | 660 FT | 660 MPH | 1000 FT | ET | MPH | Ov/Un | MOV | First |
Left | Alex Laughlin WIN | 40 | PRO | -- | .020 | 1.003 | 2.819 | 4.340 | 161.81 | 5.655 | 6.760 | 203.89 | -- | .3922 | -- |
Right | Greg Anderson | 2 | PRO | -- | .454 | .997 | 2.805 | 4.317 | 162.86 | 5.621 | 6.718 | 205.47 | -- | -- | -- |
Laughlin will not improve, but has the fifth quickest pass of the session. Alex Laughlin's incremental times: 60ft-1.003 sec., 330ft-2.819, 660ft-4.340/161.81 mph, 1,000ft-5.655. Anderson kept it hooked up to make the quickest pass of the session, but will not improve on his E.T. from yesterday. Greg Anderson's incremental times: 60ft-0.997 sec., 330ft-2.805, 660ft-4.317/162.86 mph, 1,000ft-5.621. | |||||||||||||||
Lane | Driver | Car No. | Class | Dial In | RT | 60 FT | 330 FT | 660 FT | 660 MPH | 1000 FT | ET | MPH | Ov/Un | MOV | First |
Left | Jason Line WIN | 1 | PRO | -- | .034 | .990 | 2.801 | 4.316 | 163.04 | 5.624 | 6.725 | 204.94 | -- | 5.2394 | -- |
Right | Erica Enders | 9 | PRO | -- | .022 | 1.031 | 3.302 | 6.068 | 80.02 | 9.046 | 11.976 | 73.09 | -- | -- | -- |
Line will not improve, but has the third quickest pass of the session. Jason Line's incremental times: 60ft-0.990 sec., 330ft-2.801, 660ft-4.316/163.04 mph, 1,000ft-5.624. Enders with severe tire shake right at the hit and the car is side ways before she clicks it off. | |||||||||||||||
Lane | Driver | Car No. | Class | Dial In | RT | 60 FT | 330 FT | 660 FT | 660 MPH | 1000 FT | ET | MPH | Ov/Un | MOV | First |
Left | Bo Butner WIN | 4 | PRO | -- | .075 | .986 | 2.792 | 4.300 | 163.63 | 5.603 | 6.698 | 206.16 | -- | .0096 | -- |
Right | Jeg Coughlin | 10 | PRO | -- | .025 | 1.021 | 2.840 | 4.354 | 163.00 | 5.660 | 6.757 | 205.41 | -- | -- | -- |
Butner launched hard and kept it hooked up to make a great pass of the session. He is just a tick off his qualifying time from yesterday. Bo Butner's incremental times: 60ft-0.986 sec., 330ft-2.792, 660ft-4.300/163.63 mph, 1,000ft-5.603. Coughlin drives through tire shake right at the hit and makes the sixth quickest pass of the session. He holds on to the number one qualifying position. |
Lane | left | right |
Driver | Tanner Gray W | -- |
Car # | 15 | -- |
Class | PRO | -- |
Dial In | -- | -- |
RT | .031 | -- |
60 FT | 1.025 | -- |
330 FT | 2.856 | -- |
660 FT | 4.374 | -- |
660 MPH | 162.59 | -- |
1000 FT | 5.681 | -- |
ET | 6.778 | -- |
MPH | 205.38 | -- |
Ov/Un | -- | -- |
MOV | -- | -- |
First | -- | -- |
Weather conditions: air temperature 88 degrees, relative humidity 50 percent, barometer 28.29 inches, adjusted altitude 4,664 feet, track temperature 125 degrees. Gray after struggling yesterday makes a good clean pass to go to the number 10 spot. Tanner Gray's incremental times: 60ft-1.025 sec., 330ft-2.856, 660ft-4.374/162.59 mph, 1,000ft-5.681. | ||
Lane | left | right |
Driver | Shane Gray W | Drew Skillman |
Car # | 3 | 6 |
Class | PRO | PRO |
Dial In | -- | -- |
RT | .061 | .047 |
60 FT | 1.028 | 1.030 |
330 FT | 2.844 | 2.858 |
660 FT | 4.359 | 4.381 |
660 MPH | 162.86 | 161.30 |
1000 FT | 5.664 | 5.694 |
ET | 6.760 | 6.796 |
MPH | 205.54 | 204.51 |
Ov/Un | -- | -- |
MOV | .0223 | -- |
First | -- | -- |
Gray is straight down the groove with a clean pass to go to the number 10 spot. Shane Gray's incremental times: 60ft-1.028 sec., 330ft-2.844, 660ft-4.359/162.86 mph, 1,000ft-5.664. No help here for Skillman and he will stay in the number nine spot. | ||
Lane | left | right |
Driver | Vincent Nobile W | Wally Stroupe |
Car # | 5 | 2222 |
Class | PRO | PRO |
Dial In | -- | -- |
RT | .023 | .074 |
60 FT | 1.010 | 1.087 |
330 FT | 2.820 | 3.075 |
660 FT | 4.329 | 4.946 |
660 MPH | 163.59 | 119.07 |
1000 FT | 5.631 | 6.979 |
ET | 6.725 | 9.111 |
MPH | 205.91 | 98.05 |
Ov/Un | -- | -- |
MOV | 2.4377 | -- |
First | -- | -- |
Nobile launched hard and kept it hooked up to move up the ladder one spot. Vincent Nobile's incremental times: 60ft-1.010 sec., 330ft-2.820, 660ft-4.329/163.59 mph, 1,000ft-5.631. Stroupe made a quick move toward the wall and clicked it off. | ||
Lane | left | right |
Driver | Alan Prusiensky W | Allen Johnson |
Car # | 106 | 8 |
Class | PRO | PRO |
Dial In | -- | -- |
RT | .088 | .134 |
60 FT | .999 | 1.022 |
330 FT | 2.826 | 2.837 |
660 FT | 4.353 | 4.352 |
660 MPH | 161.44 | 163.08 |
1000 FT | 5.674 | 5.656 |
ET | 6.786 | 6.752 |
MPH | 202.79 | 205.60 |
Ov/Un | -- | -- |
MOV | .0121 | -- |
First | -- | -- |
Prusiensky with his quickest pass of the weekend, but will stay in the number 12 spot. Alan Prusiensky's incremental times: 60ft-0.999 sec., 330ft-2.826, 660ft-4.353/161.44 mph, 1,000ft-5.674. Johnson with the second quickest pass of the session, but will not improve. Allen Johnson's incremental times: 60ft-1.022 sec., 330ft-2.837, 660ft-4.352/163.08 mph, 1,000ft-5.656. | ||
Lane | left | right |
Driver | Alex Laughlin W | Greg Anderson |
Car # | 40 | 2 |
Class | PRO | PRO |
Dial In | -- | -- |
RT | .020 | .454 |
60 FT | 1.003 | .997 |
330 FT | 2.819 | 2.805 |
660 FT | 4.340 | 4.317 |
660 MPH | 161.81 | 162.86 |
1000 FT | 5.655 | 5.621 |
ET | 6.760 | 6.718 |
MPH | 203.89 | 205.47 |
Ov/Un | -- | -- |
MOV | .3922 | -- |
First | -- | -- |
Laughlin will not improve, but has the fifth quickest pass of the session. Alex Laughlin's incremental times: 60ft-1.003 sec., 330ft-2.819, 660ft-4.340/161.81 mph, 1,000ft-5.655. Anderson kept it hooked up to make the quickest pass of the session, but will not improve on his E.T. from yesterday. Greg Anderson's incremental times: 60ft-0.997 sec., 330ft-2.805, 660ft-4.317/162.86 mph, 1,000ft-5.621. | ||
Lane | left | right |
Driver | Jason Line W | Erica Enders |
Car # | 1 | 9 |
Class | PRO | PRO |
Dial In | -- | -- |
RT | .034 | .022 |
60 FT | .990 | 1.031 |
330 FT | 2.801 | 3.302 |
660 FT | 4.316 | 6.068 |
660 MPH | 163.04 | 80.02 |
1000 FT | 5.624 | 9.046 |
ET | 6.725 | 11.976 |
MPH | 204.94 | 73.09 |
Ov/Un | -- | -- |
MOV | 5.2394 | -- |
First | -- | -- |
Line will not improve, but has the third quickest pass of the session. Jason Line's incremental times: 60ft-0.990 sec., 330ft-2.801, 660ft-4.316/163.04 mph, 1,000ft-5.624. Enders with severe tire shake right at the hit and the car is side ways before she clicks it off. | ||
Lane | left | right |
Driver | Bo Butner W | Jeg Coughlin |
Car # | 4 | 10 |
Class | PRO | PRO |
Dial In | -- | -- |
RT | .075 | .025 |
60 FT | .986 | 1.021 |
330 FT | 2.792 | 2.840 |
660 FT | 4.300 | 4.354 |
660 MPH | 163.63 | 163.00 |
1000 FT | 5.603 | 5.660 |
ET | 6.698 | 6.757 |
MPH | 206.16 | 205.41 |
Ov/Un | -- | -- |
MOV | .0096 | -- |
First | -- | -- |
Butner launched hard and kept it hooked up to make a great pass of the session. He is just a tick off his qualifying time from yesterday. Bo Butner's incremental times: 60ft-0.986 sec., 330ft-2.792, 660ft-4.300/163.63 mph, 1,000ft-5.603. Coughlin drives through tire shake right at the hit and makes the sixth quickest pass of the session. He holds on to the number one qualifying position. |