NHRA Thunder Valley Nationals
- Jun 16-18, 2017
- Bristol Dragway
- 151 Speedway Blvd Bristol, TN 37620
Detailed Results
Lane | Driver | Car No. | Q. Pos. | RT | 60 FT | 330 FT | 660 FT | 660 MPH | ET | MPH | MOV | First |
Left | Bob Bode WIN | 340 | 16 | .124 | .947 | 2.861 | 5.394 | 85.01 | 8.365 | 73.80 | -- | -- |
Right | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- |
7:07 p.m. Weather conditions: air temperature 81 degrees, relative humidity 67 percent, barometer 28.29 inches, adjusted altitude 4,333 feet, track temperature 105 degrees. Bode has only made one attempt this weekend and he struck the tires on that run. He hits the throttle, makes a quick move toward the wall and backs off the throttle before he gets 300 feet out. He manages to improve on his earlier pass but will stay in the 16th spot. | ||||||||||||
Lane | Driver | Car No. | Q. Pos. | RT | 60 FT | 330 FT | 660 FT | 660 MPH | ET | MPH | MOV | First |
Left | Alexis Dejoria WIN | 771 | 11 | .150 | .908 | 2.301 | 3.221 | 281.66 | 3.998 | 295.08 | -- | -- |
Right | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- |
DeJoria was on a good pass, going right down the groove, then the candles go out about 900 feet out. She makes her quickest pass of the weekend and gets in the top half of the field in the sixth spot for now. | ||||||||||||
Lane | Driver | Car No. | Q. Pos. | RT | 60 FT | 330 FT | 660 FT | 660 MPH | ET | MPH | MOV | First |
Left | J.R. Todd | 373 | 11 | .090 | .912 | 2.341 | 3.295 | 272.67 | 4.074 | 308.00 | -- | -- |
Right | Ron Capps WIN | 1 | 13 | .099 | .897 | 2.305 | 3.265 | 271.13 | 4.032 | 316.15 | .0335 | -- |
Capps decided to pull out a new chassis for his first pass today and made a clean straight pass. He goes right down the groove on this one and makes his best run of the weekend to move up to the ninth spot in the order. Todd makes a clean, straight pass but doesn't improve and drops to the 12th spot as Capps goes around him. | ||||||||||||
Lane | Driver | Car No. | Q. Pos. | RT | 60 FT | 330 FT | 660 FT | 660 MPH | ET | MPH | MOV | First |
Left | Del Worsham | 750 | 10 | .140 | .912 | 2.373 | 3.349 | 266.06 | 4.135 | 311.27 | -- | -- |
Right | Cruz Pedregon WIN | 71 | 13 | .156 | .897 | 2.309 | 3.268 | 268.65 | 4.048 | 309.49 | .0715 | -- |
Worsham makes a good pass but doesn't improve and he stays in the tenth spot for now. Pedregon makes his quickest pass of the weekend and he moves up a couple of spots to 11th. | ||||||||||||
Lane | Driver | Car No. | Q. Pos. | RT | 60 FT | 330 FT | 660 FT | 660 MPH | ET | MPH | MOV | First |
Left | Jonnie Lindberg | 801 | 8 | .150 | .873 | 2.335 | 3.474 | 216.27 | 4.611 | 195.53 | -- | -- |
Right | Tommy Johnson Jr WIN | 2 | 12 | .107 | .884 | 2.293 | 3.234 | 273.27 | 4.000 | 315.93 | .6544 | -- |
Johnson goes right down the groove with his quickest pass of the weekend and just misses getting into the three's. he improves and moves up to the eighth spot. Lindberg rattles the tires, makes a move to the right and has to pedal about 300 feet out. He rattles them again, gets about 600 feet out and gives up on the run. | ||||||||||||
Lane | Driver | Car No. | Q. Pos. | RT | 60 FT | 330 FT | 660 FT | 660 MPH | ET | MPH | MOV | First |
Left | Matt Hagan WIN | 3 | 5 | .068 | .885 | 2.266 | 3.180 | 282.72 | 3.925 | 326.00 | .0571 | -- |
Right | Jack Beckman | 5 | 7 | .091 | .872 | 2.270 | 3.199 | 276.92 | 3.959 | 318.62 | -- | -- |
A good side-by-side, both right down the groove, header flames high and steady all the way through the run. Hagan makes his best pass of the weekend and moves up to the third spot. Beckman improves and moves up to the fifth spot. | ||||||||||||
Lane | Driver | Car No. | Q. Pos. | RT | 60 FT | 330 FT | 660 FT | 660 MPH | ET | MPH | MOV | First |
Left | John Force WIN | 4 | 6 | .104 | .912 | 2.502 | 4.330 | 117.44 | 6.465 | 105.98 | .0686 | -- |
Right | Robert Hight | 8 | 2 | .079 | .876 | 2.430 | 4.304 | 113.92 | 6.558 | 97.19 | -- | -- |
Synchronized tire smoke, both strike the tires about 300 feet out. Force will start from the sixth spot tomorrow and will take on Worsham. Hight is in the second spot but could be bumped down by Courtney Force in the final pair. | ||||||||||||
Lane | Driver | Car No. | Q. Pos. | RT | 60 FT | 330 FT | 660 FT | 660 MPH | ET | MPH | MOV | First |
Left | Courtney Force WIN | 6 | 4 | .111 | .874 | 2.263 | 3.287 | 220.66 | 4.412 | 197.28 | 1.1025 | -- |
Right | Tim Wilkerson | 9 | 1 | .117 | .902 | 2.338 | 3.800 | 146.81 | 5.508 | 128.59 | -- | -- |
Force was on a pretty good pass until about 500 feet out, then the header flames die out. She slows and will start from the fourth spot and will take on Todd in the first round. Wilkerson had traction problems and was off the throttle about 300 feet out. He hangs on to the top spot, the first this year and the 19th pole of his career. He will take on Bode in the first round tomorrow. |
Lane | left | right |
Driver | Bob Bode W | -- |
Car # | 340 | -- |
Q. Pos. | 16 | -- |
RT | .124 | -- |
60 FT | .947 | -- |
330 FT | 2.861 | -- |
660 FT | 5.394 | -- |
660 MPH | 85.01 | -- |
ET | 8.365 | -- |
MPH | 73.80 | -- |
MOV | -- W | -- |
First | -- | -- |
7:07 p.m. Weather conditions: air temperature 81 degrees, relative humidity 67 percent, barometer 28.29 inches, adjusted altitude 4,333 feet, track temperature 105 degrees. Bode has only made one attempt this weekend and he struck the tires on that run. He hits the throttle, makes a quick move toward the wall and backs off the throttle before he gets 300 feet out. He manages to improve on his earlier pass but will stay in the 16th spot. | ||
Lane | left | right |
Driver | Alexis Dejoria W | -- |
Car # | 771 | -- |
Q. Pos. | 11 | -- |
RT | .150 | -- |
60 FT | .908 | -- |
330 FT | 2.301 | -- |
660 FT | 3.221 | -- |
660 MPH | 281.66 | -- |
ET | 3.998 | -- |
MPH | 295.08 | -- |
MOV | -- W | -- |
First | -- | -- |
DeJoria was on a good pass, going right down the groove, then the candles go out about 900 feet out. She makes her quickest pass of the weekend and gets in the top half of the field in the sixth spot for now. | ||
Lane | left | right |
Driver | J.R. Todd | Ron Capps W |
Car # | 373 | 1 |
Q. Pos. | 11 | 13 |
RT | .090 | .099 |
60 FT | .912 | .897 |
330 FT | 2.341 | 2.305 |
660 FT | 3.295 | 3.265 |
660 MPH | 272.67 | 271.13 |
ET | 4.074 | 4.032 |
MPH | 308.00 | 316.15 |
MOV | -- | .0335 |
First | -- | -- |
Capps decided to pull out a new chassis for his first pass today and made a clean straight pass. He goes right down the groove on this one and makes his best run of the weekend to move up to the ninth spot in the order. Todd makes a clean, straight pass but doesn't improve and drops to the 12th spot as Capps goes around him. | ||
Lane | left | right |
Driver | Del Worsham | Cruz Pedregon W |
Car # | 750 | 71 |
Q. Pos. | 10 | 13 |
RT | .140 | .156 |
60 FT | .912 | .897 |
330 FT | 2.373 | 2.309 |
660 FT | 3.349 | 3.268 |
660 MPH | 266.06 | 268.65 |
ET | 4.135 | 4.048 |
MPH | 311.27 | 309.49 |
MOV | -- | .0715 |
First | -- | -- |
Worsham makes a good pass but doesn't improve and he stays in the tenth spot for now. Pedregon makes his quickest pass of the weekend and he moves up a couple of spots to 11th. | ||
Lane | left | right |
Driver | Jonnie Lindberg | Tommy Johnson Jr W |
Car # | 801 | 2 |
Q. Pos. | 8 | 12 |
RT | .150 | .107 |
60 FT | .873 | .884 |
330 FT | 2.335 | 2.293 |
660 FT | 3.474 | 3.234 |
660 MPH | 216.27 | 273.27 |
ET | 4.611 | 4.000 |
MPH | 195.53 | 315.93 |
MOV | -- | .6544 |
First | -- | -- |
Johnson goes right down the groove with his quickest pass of the weekend and just misses getting into the three's. he improves and moves up to the eighth spot. Lindberg rattles the tires, makes a move to the right and has to pedal about 300 feet out. He rattles them again, gets about 600 feet out and gives up on the run. | ||
Lane | left | right |
Driver | Matt Hagan W | Jack Beckman |
Car # | 3 | 5 |
Q. Pos. | 5 | 7 |
RT | .068 | .091 |
60 FT | .885 | .872 |
330 FT | 2.266 | 2.270 |
660 FT | 3.180 | 3.199 |
660 MPH | 282.72 | 276.92 |
ET | 3.925 | 3.959 |
MPH | 326.00 | 318.62 |
MOV | .0571 | -- |
First | -- | -- |
A good side-by-side, both right down the groove, header flames high and steady all the way through the run. Hagan makes his best pass of the weekend and moves up to the third spot. Beckman improves and moves up to the fifth spot. | ||
Lane | left | right |
Driver | John Force W | Robert Hight |
Car # | 4 | 8 |
Q. Pos. | 6 | 2 |
RT | .104 | .079 |
60 FT | .912 | .876 |
330 FT | 2.502 | 2.430 |
660 FT | 4.330 | 4.304 |
660 MPH | 117.44 | 113.92 |
ET | 6.465 | 6.558 |
MPH | 105.98 | 97.19 |
MOV | .0686 | -- |
First | -- | -- |
Synchronized tire smoke, both strike the tires about 300 feet out. Force will start from the sixth spot tomorrow and will take on Worsham. Hight is in the second spot but could be bumped down by Courtney Force in the final pair. | ||
Lane | left | right |
Driver | Courtney Force W | Tim Wilkerson |
Car # | 6 | 9 |
Q. Pos. | 4 | 1 |
RT | .111 | .117 |
60 FT | .874 | .902 |
330 FT | 2.263 | 2.338 |
660 FT | 3.287 | 3.800 |
660 MPH | 220.66 | 146.81 |
ET | 4.412 | 5.508 |
MPH | 197.28 | 128.59 |
MOV | 1.1025 | -- |
First | -- | -- |
Force was on a pretty good pass until about 500 feet out, then the header flames die out. She slows and will start from the fourth spot and will take on Todd in the first round. Wilkerson had traction problems and was off the throttle about 300 feet out. He hangs on to the top spot, the first this year and the 19th pole of his career. He will take on Bode in the first round tomorrow. |