NHRA - National Hot Rod Association

NHRA Thunder Valley Nationals

NHRA Thunder Valley Nationals

  • Jun 16-18, 2017
  • Bristol Dragway
  • 151 Speedway Blvd  Bristol, TN 37620

Detailed Results

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Jack Beckman WIN 5 5 .082 .899 2.367 3.438 237.42 4.321 276.75 .0414 --
Right Courtney Force 6 4 .101 .908 2.334 3.323 239.65 4.343 221.42 -- --

2:22 p.m. Weather conditions: air temperature 87 degrees, relative humidity 52 percent, barometer 28.30 inches, adjusted altitude 4,525 feet, track temperature 135 degrees. Beckman is 8 - 7 against Force in prior events. Beckman gets out of the gate first, stays in front for about 300 feet, then he starts falling back. Force goes around Beckman and starts pulling away. Force extends her lead past the 660 foot, then starts losing cylinders and the car noses over. Beckman is able to go back around her and take the stripe for the win. Jack Beckman's incremental margins (negative if behind): 60ft(0.028), 330 ft(-0.014), 660ft(-0.096). MOV: 0.0414 seconds (approximately 13 feet).

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Ron Capps WIN 1 10 .093 .916 2.348 3.319 270.27 4.090 314.31 .0451 --
Right Robert Hight 8 2 .104 .903 2.350 3.335 262.39 4.124 310.55 -- --

Hight is 30 - 27 against Capps in prior events. Capps gets a little holeshot but Hight pulls even at the sixty foot mark. Capps starts pulling away at that point and extends his lead for the rest of the run. Ron Capps' incremental margins (negative if behind): 60ft(-0.002), 330 ft(0.013), 660ft(0.027). MOV: 0.0451 seconds (approximately 21 feet).

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Tim Wilkerson 9 1 .109 .907 2.349 3.358 253.85 4.220 262.18 -- --
Right Tommy Johnson Jr WIN 2 8 .072 .909 2.339 3.308 269.19 4.083 314.53 .1748 --

Johnson Jr. is 19 - 6 against Wilkerson in prior events. Johnson gets out of the gate first and starts to pull away. Wilkerson gets about 500 feet out, puts out a cylinder on each side and falls back quickly. Johnson will have lane choice over Beckman in the next round.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Matt Hagan WIN 3 3 .038 .930 2.389 3.399 257.48 4.202 306.95 .7149 --
Right John Force DQ 4 6 .062 .947 2.425 3.589 189.28 4.892 170.60 -- --

Force is 20 - 15 against Hagan in prior events. Hagan gets the holeshot and starts pulling away. Force puts out a cylinder on the left side and starts moving to the left. He crosses the centerline, takes out a few timing blocks and then gets the car back into his lane. Hagan looks like he loses a cylinder late in the run but takes the stripe for the win. Capps will have lane choice over Hagan in the next round.

Driver Jack Beckman W Courtney Force
Car #56
Q. Pos.54
60 FT.899.908
330 FT2.3672.334
660 FT3.4383.323
660 MPH237.42239.65
ET 4.321 4.343
MPH 276.75 221.42
MOV .0414 --
First -- --

2:22 p.m. Weather conditions: air temperature 87 degrees, relative humidity 52 percent, barometer 28.30 inches, adjusted altitude 4,525 feet, track temperature 135 degrees. Beckman is 8 - 7 against Force in prior events. Beckman gets out of the gate first, stays in front for about 300 feet, then he starts falling back. Force goes around Beckman and starts pulling away. Force extends her lead past the 660 foot, then starts losing cylinders and the car noses over. Beckman is able to go back around her and take the stripe for the win. Jack Beckman's incremental margins (negative if behind): 60ft(0.028), 330 ft(-0.014), 660ft(-0.096). MOV: 0.0414 seconds (approximately 13 feet).

Driver Ron Capps W Robert Hight
Car #18
Q. Pos.102
60 FT.916.903
330 FT2.3482.350
660 FT3.3193.335
660 MPH270.27262.39
ET 4.090 4.124
MPH 314.31 310.55
MOV .0451 --
First -- --

Hight is 30 - 27 against Capps in prior events. Capps gets a little holeshot but Hight pulls even at the sixty foot mark. Capps starts pulling away at that point and extends his lead for the rest of the run. Ron Capps' incremental margins (negative if behind): 60ft(-0.002), 330 ft(0.013), 660ft(0.027). MOV: 0.0451 seconds (approximately 21 feet).

Driver Tim Wilkerson Tommy Johnson Jr W
Car #92
Q. Pos.18
60 FT.907.909
330 FT2.3492.339
660 FT3.3583.308
660 MPH253.85269.19
ET 4.220 4.083
MPH 262.18 314.53
MOV -- .1748
First -- --

Johnson Jr. is 19 - 6 against Wilkerson in prior events. Johnson gets out of the gate first and starts to pull away. Wilkerson gets about 500 feet out, puts out a cylinder on each side and falls back quickly. Johnson will have lane choice over Beckman in the next round.

Driver Matt Hagan W John Force DQ
Car #34
Q. Pos.36
60 FT.930.947
330 FT2.3892.425
660 FT3.3993.589
660 MPH257.48189.28
ET 4.202 4.892
MPH 306.95 170.60
MOV .7149 --
First -- --

Force is 20 - 15 against Hagan in prior events. Hagan gets the holeshot and starts pulling away. Force puts out a cylinder on the left side and starts moving to the left. He crosses the centerline, takes out a few timing blocks and then gets the car back into his lane. Hagan looks like he loses a cylinder late in the run but takes the stripe for the win. Capps will have lane choice over Hagan in the next round.