NHRA - National Hot Rod Association

NHRA Thunder Valley Nationals

NHRA Thunder Valley Nationals

  • Jun 16-18, 2017
  • Bristol Dragway
  • 151 Speedway Blvd  Bristol, TN 37620

Detailed Results

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left J.R. Todd 373 13 .073 .919 2.373 3.383 257.48 4.305 240.89 -- --
Right Courtney Force WIN 6 4 .102 .897 2.308 3.261 270.43 4.132 255.43 .1443 --

12:26 p.m. Weather conditions: air temperature 85 degrees, relative humidity 55 percent, barometer 28.33 inches, adjusted altitude 4,423 feet, track temperature 124 degrees. Force and Todd have raced each other once with Force taking that one. Todd gets out of the gate first but Force reeled him in just past the sixty foot mark. Force loses a cylinder on the left side about 300 feet out, then Todd loses a cylinder or two. Force continues to pull away, then both cars nose over a little before the finish line. Courtney Force's incremental margins (negative if behind): 60ft(-0.007), 330 ft(0.036), 660ft(0.093). MOV: 0.1443 seconds (approximately 51 feet).

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Bob Bode 340 16 .094 1.213 6.006 -- -- -- -- -- --
Right Tim Wilkerson WIN 9 1 .111 .915 2.368 3.418 242.32 4.367 233.12 -- --

This is the 19th time that Tim Wilkerson has started from the #1 spot. He has won twice when qualifying first. The #1 qualifier has never won here at Bristol in 17 tries. Bob Bode's 3 wins against Tim are the most for him against any opponent he has faced. Bode hits the throttle and goes up in smoke. He stays on the throttle for about sixty feet, then bangs the blower and rolls to a stop about 500 feet out. Wilkerson looked like he had a cylinder out on both sides of the engine and backs off the throttle early.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Jeff Diehl 717 15 .144 .967 2.576 4.368 120.16 6.461 105.19 -- --
Right Robert Hight WIN 8 2 .107 .881 2.288 3.230 277.32 3.985 322.58 2.5132 --

Hight is 6 - 1 against Diehl in prior events. Hight gets out of the gate first and starts to pull away. Diehl leaves the line and starts moving a little to the left. He gets about 300 feet out, puffs the tires and has to give up on the run. Hight went right down the groove with an impressive run for the conditions and takes the win.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Jim Campbell 703 14 .141 .916 2.457 4.223 121.15 6.307 105.26 -- --
Right Matt Hagan WIN 3 3 .084 .912 2.367 3.430 238.30 4.387 233.48 1.9778 --

Hagan is 2 - 0 against Campbell in prior events. Hagan won this race in 2015. Hagan gets the holeshot and starts to pull away. Campbell gets about 300 feet out, strikes the tires and backs off the throttle. Hagan had a cylinder or two out late in the run and was off the throttle about 900 feet out.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Cruz Pedregon 71 12 .078 .960 2.460 3.473 259.11 4.302 275.28 -- --
Right Jack Beckman WIN 5 5 .083 .912 2.376 3.373 261.12 4.172 303.43 .1257 --

Jack Beckman is coming off his win in Englishtown, and at that race he beat Cruz Pedregon in round 2. Five times in his career Jack has won and then gone to the final round at the next race. Beckman is 19 - 16 against Pedregon in prior events. Pedregon gets a small holeshot but Beckman reeled him in quickly. Beckman continues to extend his lead, has a little raw fuel coming out of the headers, but stays on the throttle and takes the win. Pedregon lost a cylinder late in the run and was off the throttle early. Jack Beckman's incremental margins (negative if behind): 60ft(0.043), 330 ft(0.079), 660ft(0.095). MOV: 0.1257 seconds (approximately 51 feet). Courtney Force will have lane choice over Beckman in the next round.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Del Worsham 750 11 .061 .927 2.403 3.403 258.57 4.211 303.43 -- --
Right John Force WIN 4 6 .065 .934 2.376 3.356 265.90 4.136 312.42 .0716 --

Force is 12 -4 against Worsham in round one meetings. Force has 4 wins at this event and Worsham has won it twice. Not much difference off the line, Worsham gets the early lead. Force is able to reel him in before the 330 foot mark, then puts a cylinder out on the left side. Force starts moving to the left, gets close to the timing block at the end of the track, then crosses over in front of Worsham in the shutdown area. John Force's incremental margins (negative if behind): 60ft(-0.011), 330 ft(0.023), 660ft(0.043). MOV: 0.0716 seconds (approximately 32 feet). Force will have lane choice over Hagan in the next round.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Ron Capps WIN 1 10 .078 .902 2.337 3.329 266.11 4.104 315.34 .1834 --
Right Alexis Dejoria 771 7 .119 .932 2.379 3.400 249.81 4.246 278.75 -- --

Capps is 13 - 4 against DeJoria in prior events. DeJoria is a little behind off the line, starts falling back, then puts out a cylinder on the right side. Capps goes right down the groove with a decent run and pulls away for the win. Ron Capps' incremental margins: 60ft(0.071), 330 ft(0.083), 660ft(0.112). MOV: 0.1834 seconds (approximately 75 feet). Hight will have lane choice over Capps in the next round.

LaneDriverCar No.Q. Pos.RT60 FT330 FT660 FT660 MPHETMPHMOVFirst
Left Jonnie Lindberg 801 9 .062 .952 2.541 4.098 138.58 5.901 122.44 -- --
Right Tommy Johnson Jr WIN 2 8 .035 .937 2.366 3.330 269.19 4.105 314.17 1.8231 --

Lindberg and Johnson Jr. have each won 1 time against the other in prior events. Johnson gets a great light and starts pulling away. Lindberg gets about 200 feet out and strikes the tires. he pedals once or twice, can't get the slicks to bite, then backs off the throttle. Johnson goes on through with a clean pass to take the win. Johnson will have lane choice over Wilkerson in the next round.

Driver J.R. Todd Courtney Force W
Car #3736
Q. Pos.134
60 FT.919.897
330 FT2.3732.308
660 FT3.3833.261
660 MPH257.48270.43
ET 4.305 4.132
MPH 240.89 255.43
MOV -- .1443
First -- --

12:26 p.m. Weather conditions: air temperature 85 degrees, relative humidity 55 percent, barometer 28.33 inches, adjusted altitude 4,423 feet, track temperature 124 degrees. Force and Todd have raced each other once with Force taking that one. Todd gets out of the gate first but Force reeled him in just past the sixty foot mark. Force loses a cylinder on the left side about 300 feet out, then Todd loses a cylinder or two. Force continues to pull away, then both cars nose over a little before the finish line. Courtney Force's incremental margins (negative if behind): 60ft(-0.007), 330 ft(0.036), 660ft(0.093). MOV: 0.1443 seconds (approximately 51 feet).

Driver Bob Bode Tim Wilkerson W
Car #3409
Q. Pos.161
60 FT1.213.915
330 FT6.0062.368
660 FT--3.418
660 MPH--242.32
ET -- 4.367
MPH -- 233.12
MOV -- --
First -- --

This is the 19th time that Tim Wilkerson has started from the #1 spot. He has won twice when qualifying first. The #1 qualifier has never won here at Bristol in 17 tries. Bob Bode's 3 wins against Tim are the most for him against any opponent he has faced. Bode hits the throttle and goes up in smoke. He stays on the throttle for about sixty feet, then bangs the blower and rolls to a stop about 500 feet out. Wilkerson looked like he had a cylinder out on both sides of the engine and backs off the throttle early.

Driver Jeff Diehl Robert Hight W
Car #7178
Q. Pos.152
60 FT.967.881
330 FT2.5762.288
660 FT4.3683.230
660 MPH120.16277.32
ET 6.461 3.985
MPH 105.19 322.58
MOV -- 2.5132
First -- --

Hight is 6 - 1 against Diehl in prior events. Hight gets out of the gate first and starts to pull away. Diehl leaves the line and starts moving a little to the left. He gets about 300 feet out, puffs the tires and has to give up on the run. Hight went right down the groove with an impressive run for the conditions and takes the win.

Driver Jim Campbell Matt Hagan W
Car #7033
Q. Pos.143
60 FT.916.912
330 FT2.4572.367
660 FT4.2233.430
660 MPH121.15238.30
ET 6.307 4.387
MPH 105.26 233.48
MOV -- 1.9778
First -- --

Hagan is 2 - 0 against Campbell in prior events. Hagan won this race in 2015. Hagan gets the holeshot and starts to pull away. Campbell gets about 300 feet out, strikes the tires and backs off the throttle. Hagan had a cylinder or two out late in the run and was off the throttle about 900 feet out.

Driver Cruz Pedregon Jack Beckman W
Car #715
Q. Pos.125
60 FT.960.912
330 FT2.4602.376
660 FT3.4733.373
660 MPH259.11261.12
ET 4.302 4.172
MPH 275.28 303.43
MOV -- .1257
First -- --

Jack Beckman is coming off his win in Englishtown, and at that race he beat Cruz Pedregon in round 2. Five times in his career Jack has won and then gone to the final round at the next race. Beckman is 19 - 16 against Pedregon in prior events. Pedregon gets a small holeshot but Beckman reeled him in quickly. Beckman continues to extend his lead, has a little raw fuel coming out of the headers, but stays on the throttle and takes the win. Pedregon lost a cylinder late in the run and was off the throttle early. Jack Beckman's incremental margins (negative if behind): 60ft(0.043), 330 ft(0.079), 660ft(0.095). MOV: 0.1257 seconds (approximately 51 feet). Courtney Force will have lane choice over Beckman in the next round.

Driver Del Worsham John Force W
Car #7504
Q. Pos.116
60 FT.927.934
330 FT2.4032.376
660 FT3.4033.356
660 MPH258.57265.90
ET 4.211 4.136
MPH 303.43 312.42
MOV -- .0716
First -- --

Force is 12 -4 against Worsham in round one meetings. Force has 4 wins at this event and Worsham has won it twice. Not much difference off the line, Worsham gets the early lead. Force is able to reel him in before the 330 foot mark, then puts a cylinder out on the left side. Force starts moving to the left, gets close to the timing block at the end of the track, then crosses over in front of Worsham in the shutdown area. John Force's incremental margins (negative if behind): 60ft(-0.011), 330 ft(0.023), 660ft(0.043). MOV: 0.0716 seconds (approximately 32 feet). Force will have lane choice over Hagan in the next round.

Driver Ron Capps W Alexis Dejoria
Car #1771
Q. Pos.107
60 FT.902.932
330 FT2.3372.379
660 FT3.3293.400
660 MPH266.11249.81
ET 4.104 4.246
MPH 315.34 278.75
MOV .1834 --
First -- --

Capps is 13 - 4 against DeJoria in prior events. DeJoria is a little behind off the line, starts falling back, then puts out a cylinder on the right side. Capps goes right down the groove with a decent run and pulls away for the win. Ron Capps' incremental margins: 60ft(0.071), 330 ft(0.083), 660ft(0.112). MOV: 0.1834 seconds (approximately 75 feet). Hight will have lane choice over Capps in the next round.

Driver Jonnie Lindberg Tommy Johnson Jr W
Car #8012
Q. Pos.98
60 FT.952.937
330 FT2.5412.366
660 FT4.0983.330
660 MPH138.58269.19
ET 5.901 4.105
MPH 122.44 314.17
MOV -- 1.8231
First -- --

Lindberg and Johnson Jr. have each won 1 time against the other in prior events. Johnson gets a great light and starts pulling away. Lindberg gets about 200 feet out and strikes the tires. he pedals once or twice, can't get the slicks to bite, then backs off the throttle. Johnson goes on through with a clean pass to take the win. Johnson will have lane choice over Wilkerson in the next round.