Tommy Johnson Jr

  • ClassFC
  • Registration33
  • HometownAvon , IN
PointsSumTypeEvent code and locationDate
5656NA PC1-Pomona,CA02/09/2020
119175NA PA1-Phoenix,AZ02/23/2020
101276NA RV1-Indianapolis,IN07/12/2020
79355NA NH1-Indianapolis,IN07/19/2020
61416NA LN1-Indianapolis,IN08/09/2020
44460NA II1-Indianapolis,IN09/06/2020
52512NA GF1-Gainesville,FL09/27/2020
113625NA MI1-St. Louis,MO10/04/2020
60685NA DT1-Dallas,TX10/18/2020
115800NA HT1-Houston,TX10/25/2020
115915NA LN2-Las Vegas,NV11/01/2020

Points listed in green background are included in the total.
Points listed in red numbers are not eligible.
Type: HD=Home Div, NA=National Event, OD=Out of Div