Richie Crampton

  • ClassTF
  • Registration58
  • HometownBrownsburg , IN
Points Sum Type Event code and location Date
35 35 NA PC1-Pomona,CA 02/10/2019
31 66 NA PA1-Phoenix,AZ 02/24/2019
112 178 NA GF1-Gainesville,FL 03/17/2019
55 233 NA LN1-Las Vegas,NV 04/07/2019
31 264 NA HT1-Houston,TX 04/14/2019
32 296 NA CN1-Charlotte,NC 04/28/2019
33 329 NA AG1-Atlanta,GA 05/05/2019
34 363 NA RV1-Richmond,VA 05/19/2019
47 410 NA CI1-Chicago,IL 06/02/2019
57 467 NA TK1-Topeka,KS 06/09/2019
32 499 NA BT1-Bristol,TN 06/16/2019
33 532 NA NO1-Norwalk,OH 06/23/2019
80 612 NA NH1-Epping,NH 07/07/2019
54 666 NA DC1-Denver,CO 07/21/2019
53 719 NA SC1-Sonoma,CA 07/28/2019
34 753 NA SW1-Seattle,WA 08/04/2019
32 785 NA BM1-Brainerd,MN 08/18/2019
57 842 NA II1-Indianapolis,IN 09/02/2019
1168 2010 NA CT1-Countdown,ADJ 09/03/2019
116 2126 NA RP1-Reading,PA 09/15/2019
33 2159 NA MI1-St. Louis,MO 09/29/2019
37 2196 NA CN2-Charlotte,NC 10/13/2019
32 2228 NA DT1-Dallas,TX 10/20/2019
33 2261 NA LN2-Las Vegas,NV 11/03/2019
138 2399 NA PC2-Pomona,CA 11/17/2019

Points listed in green background are included in the total.
Points listed in red numbers are not eligible.
Type: HD=Home Div, NA=National Event, OD=Out of Div